LETTER- Scholars, parents smeared by story

I have pretty much come to terms with The Hook's one-sided coverage of the Jefferson Scholars Foundation.

However, I draw the line at Lisa Provence's uninformed and unwarranted insult of two foundation board members, their Jefferson Scholar children, and perhaps most astoundingly, the dedicated people from both inside and outside the University community who take part in the Jefferson Scholar nomination and selection process ["Sliced: Endowment losses cut Jefferson Scholarships," January 22].

That process begins with nominations provided by high school counselors. It ends with a final selection weekend that includes interaction and interviews with committees comprised of UVA alumni, faculty, and administrators, all of whom volunteer their time and service.

The board members demeaned in the article neither nominated nor selected their own children. Additionally, these Jefferson Scholars went through the same selection process as other recipients. Who is Ms. Provence to pass judgment on their merits as Jefferson Scholars or to imply that they are not deserving? 

Referring to a Jefferson Scholarship as a "perk" is a smear of many good people, and as such cannot go unchallenged.

 Alex Inman
