LETTER- Biblical beasts also friendly UK giants

As a Brit living in Charlottesville (for the summer), I was especially interested in the Gog & Magog essay, [August 20:"All a Gog: The real reason we invaded Iraq"], especially its focus on the biblical elements, but noticed a glaring omission.

Yes Gog & Magog appear in the bible, but they also appear in much Celtic and pagan mythology. I originate from London, which, according to legend, was founded and protected by two friendly giants, "Gog and Magog." We still carry their statues in our annual Lord Mayors Show to this day.

In Irish mythology, Magog is named as the father as the Irish race. Their appearance in the bible as enemies of the Jews could easily be a reference to ancient Britons and Celts, in which case if Bush wanted to defeat Gog and Magog he should have attacked London, although I'm very glad he didn't!

Oliver Savory
London, UK
(temporarily Charlottesvile)
