PHOTOPHILE- Tonsler turn-out: Voters cast their ballots

A tight Senate race between George Allen, James Webb, and a hot issue– the marriage amendment– helped turn out voters on Tuesday, November 7.

"You can't complain if you don't vote," said Sherrika Nowell, who was voting for the first time and hopes her children will understand the importance of casting a ballot. 

"I'm doing it because my opinion matters," she said. By 10:30am, 305 votes had been cast at Tonsler.

Liberal blogger George Loper watched turnout at several sites around town, and  believed that voter numbers would be high.

At Carver Rec Center, he noted, "There were some lines, but people were accommodating and patient."

This was the first election in which many districts used electronic check-in, and some districts had glitches that forced them to switch to paper check-in. 

Not so at Carver, where Loper said everything was "working smoothly."

Editor's Note: This paper went to press Tuesday while votes were still being cast.

Volunteers assisting voters at the polling booth.

Roger Pile shows his identification for electronic check-in to Patrick Shemorry while 17-year-old Nakita Cooper helps out.

Four-year-old Austyn Nowell plays with his one-year-old brother, Sethaun, while Ramona Jackson and Sherrika Nowell look over a sample ballot.

Austyn Nowell shows off his future voter sticker.

George Loper, who is observing the voting, discusses turnout with Richard Johnson, Vice-Chair of the Democratic Party of Charlottesville.

A sign leads to the Tonsler Precinct.
