LETTER- Document interlopers!

Last week, Jim Sullivan sent in a photo he took in his Albemarle County yard last October of a green treefrog [Letters, "How 'bout this peeper?" April 26]. We do not have these amphibians breeding in this area, but they are occasionally being spotted in the Piedmont. The thought right now is that they are possibly being transported to our region via nursery plants from farther south. 

These treefogs normally live in wetland areas and they probably do not survive very long when brought here. Obviously the inadvertent movement of wildlife from one area to another via nursery plants is not a good thing.

If you see an animal that you suspect is not indigenous, please take a photo of it. Note the date, the location where the animal was seen, and a description of the area where it was found. I would be happy to receive the photo and information via e-mail (please write a brief explanation in the subject header) at , or write to me at P.O. Box 235, White Hall 22987-0235.

Marlene A. Condon

Nature Writer
White Hall
