PHOTOPHILE: Ix easy being green: Open house lets sun shine in

The member businesses of the just-south-of-Downtown Ix Project opened the doors of their building of the same name on June 1 to showcase the ways they do their part to preserve the environment. Between all the windows letting in natural light and the lush greenery in the courtyard, everyone who calls the Ix Building home turned out on Friday to celebrate mother earth with food, beer, music, and fun for all.

Vaude Shentai (aka Katie McCaughan) dances as part of performing arts group Shentai.

Lead investor Ludwig Kuttner with Samyuktha and Karunasai Mahdevan, who embedded animal models in an ice globe to make an artistic point about global warming.

Jonathan Perdue shows off his 3-D rendering skills on a Computers 4 Kids machine.

John Owen and Rob Jones share a laugh.

Two Red Shoes provided music for the green shindig. #