LETTER- Bikers need trails and lanes

The Hook's story on bicycle commuting in Charlottesville was great ["I want to ride my bicycle," May 31]. 

But the true solution isn't limited to the city: only if the city, county, and state come to gether can we develop a bike-lane and trails system that can be used by commuters. I commute on my bike every day across town, and I can attest that it is very doable in town, especially if you stick to neighborhood streets and avoid peak travel times.  

But to really succeed in taking more cars off the roads coming into the city, we have to develop much better bike lanes along county and state roads. When I lived in Arlington, I knew people who daily commuted 30 miles or more round trip by bike, on terrain similar to ours in Charlottesville. If we have the will to build the infrastructure, we can do it too. 

And for those of you daunted by the hills– check out an electric-assist bike, like those made by Giant, Schwinn, and others– I have one, and I get to work without a sweat!

Margaret Edwards
