LETTER- Photograph who's who

November 30, 1999: Lucile Branham Watson's ashes are scattered in the pasture behind the Timberlake-Branham house by her daughter, Jane Leitch.

Thanks for your continued coverage of the negotiations surrounding the Timberlake-Branham house [OnArchitecture: "Twilight zoning: BZA procedure trumps reality," May 31].  When I saw the photo, I thought I would point out a few bits of trivia: 

1) The blonde girl in the back, third from left, is Catherine Bouldin Leitch Emery, the granddaughter of Lucille Branham Watson and the wife of Tayloe Emery, who I believe used to shoot photographs for the Hook back in the day.

2)  The little boy in the foreground is called Branham, after the Branham family, and his sister, next to him in the photo, is a fifth-generation daughter of the Branham family. They are my sister's children. They are 14 and 6 years old, respectively.

3) I took the photo! My grandmother, Mary Branham Frazier, was one of Lucille Branham Watson's sisters, my mother is Dorothy Frazier Hesselton, the one quoted in the article, and I also have many happy memories of childhood days spent at that house. 

As I said, all trivia, but maybe interesting to some. Thanks again for keeping us posted on the goings-on. 

Mary Cockerille
