LETTER- Was your reporter jilted?

Did Dave MacNair once get turned down by one of the wonderful women who started "Friends of McGuffey Park? 

If not, then I'm at a loss to understand his increasing vendetta against the organization and the wonderful work they've done to revive an area where my children and I have often seen condoms, liquor bottles, and other items unsuitable for a playground strewn about ["Worth weeping for? McGuffey trees fall for 'water play wall,' OnArchitecture, June 14]. 

His description of the park makes it seem like it was perfectly pleasant: it wasn't. The equipment was outdated and seemed to my eyes to be rundown and dangerous. I've left the park several times because of discomfort with groups of people drinking and smoking pot (during daylight hours).

I can't wait for the redesign to open. Although we don't live in the neighborhood, it's a central location for one of our frequent visits Downtown. This redesign will benefit all of us who use the area, not just residents. Well, all of us except those who will have to find a new place to deal drugs, and Dave McNair, who might want to examine his motivations for continuing to attack the redesign more closely.

Mr. McNair, it's time to move on.

Catherine MaloneCharlottesville
