LETTER- It was Det. Davis, not Gates

I read with interest your story on Katie Worsky ["Little girl lost: Remembering Katie Worksy after 25 years," July 12] not because I knew the Worskys, although I feel as if I did, but because, as Chief DeK Bowen stated, it was a very personal case to the police department. It became very personal to the families of the police involved as well.

I will submit one correction to your story. The detective you mentioned briefly, Bill Gates, was not Bill Gates but Bill Davis. He was my father, and he did indeed pass away last year. 

But even as late as last year, prior to his death, this case was still on his mind. He never stopped thinking of Katie Worsky and her family. We did not see much of my father that summer as he was always working on the case, and even when he was home, he was not really there. He never talked of it at home, but we knew it was of utmost importance to him. He had three daughters of his own, and that may have contributed to his drive to find Katie. 

Jane Davis Carpenter
