QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What did you do during the President's visit?


James Ford: "I followed the line until it started curving back up Water Street. I don't stand in line for anybody."


Jessie Paulson: "I was right inside the Pavilion."



Eric Wright:"We took our kids to see the motorcade as it went by."


Counted my blessings that I was not forced to listen to his Dope and Chains rhetoric.

He's gone in two years- check the stock market after this election.....back to a 2 yr high.

Perhaps we should blame that on Bush......

@HarryD: What is the "Dope and Chains" thing? I get that they rhyme with "Hope and Change", but why those particular words? Just curious.

Yea, dream on Harry D. the best we can hope for is gridlock

When Bush2 flew over my Belmont house I gave the helicopter the Bird. Obama and his Jet got the wave!!! HarryD U R a sheeple....both parties must go. As a True Libertarian I embrace 3rd parties. As far as a representative celebrity...Obama is way cooler than Bush. Too bad I was not waving at Ron Paul!

"He's gone in two years- check the stock market after this election.....back to a 2 yr high."

You mean right where Clinton left it ten years ago? Sounds like it took a Democrat to at least get the train moving on the track. Obama has a net private sector job increase, versus private sector job loss with Bush.

Now if Obama could just figure out that Democrat does not mean moderate Republican.

I would have gone to see Obama - but I had to move my car...