New census: City growth rate climbs while County growth slows

Albemarle County's growth rate continues to outpace the City of Charlottesville's, but the County rate tapered off over the last decade while the City turned a population plateau into a modest climb, according to new figures from the U.S. Census.

The data show that the city of Charlottesville, which actually lost over one hundred people during the previous decade, gained more than 3,000 residents during the first decade of the new millenium. As usual, though, the heavier growth came in sprawling Albemarle County which saw its population climb from 84,196 in 2000 to 98,979 in 2010.

The combined population of Charlottesville and Albemarle grew 15 percent to 142,454 during the decade that ended in 2010, about the same as its growth rate during the previous decade–- and an annual growth rate of 1.4 percent.

Meanwhile, the City of Charlottesville has experienced a veritable explosion in another people measure: voters. The registered voter population in the City has grown by 10,036, according to separately released City Hall figures, so that means that the lines of the various voting precints must be redrawn. The City Council began discussion of the issue at its January 3 meeting and plans to hold public meetings in order to have new precinct lines drawn by this November's election.

Read more on: censusgrowthpopulation


I think the growth in registered voters is very misleading. There's no secret that many people who had never voted in their life registered to vote in several elections locally over the last two years.

It would be interesting to see the growth of registered voters in many cities and counties nationwide over the last few years.

The population has increased, but water use has fallen 22% below what is projected for our 50 year water plan. Go to for all the data.

Some claim that we have seen all the water conservation from changes in manufacturing products that we can count on . But the reality is - with federally mandated low flow plumbing fixtures this decrease in water use is sure to continue.

Given the uncertain economic climate, and continued drop in water use, it is foolish to proceed building a mega dam and energy fueled pipeline, instead of maintaining the resources we already own first.

We should dredge our reservoirs now and repair our dam. Using the Water Authority's own data; dredging will provide 40 years of water supply capacity, and with new water saving technology probably much more.

Contact City Council at:
Contact Board of Supervisors at:
and do the smart thing- dredge now !

Dredging will give us an abundant supply of water for all the growth projected in the county comprehensive plan. Dredging is not anti growth it is anti cost and pro environment.

Here is a link with an indept analysis of population and water use

Election districts are based on population, not number of registered voters.

Doesn't state that districts where redrawn, that voting precincts may be because of the change in registered voters. By the way, don't like the new format for The Hook, don't like it at all.

The city elections are all at-large, so the "districts" maybe are based on voters.

Here's a link to population and water use data.
Save the reservoir - Save the forest- Get involved before it's too late !

The format is OK, but I miss the weather link. :(

Yes, as Betty Mooney says, dredge now. Dredging is, after all, basic maintenance that should have been done regularly ever since the South Fork Rivanna Reservoir was built.

And, while we're at it, let's please use those newly available votes to dredge City Hall. Elected officials who treat public resources as though they are theirs to dispense and members of the public as though they are dispensable nuisances have no place in office.

Again, City Hall behavior vis-a-vis Ridge-Cherry/William Taylor Plaza offers apt example. In 2009, moments after Planning Commission and City Council approved Southern Development's plan for William Taylor Plaza -- a massive mixed-use complex that would incorporate two City taxpayer-owned parcels on Ridge Street -- SD listed the five parcels it already owned at the site for sale at $2.3 million. In late December just past, we learned that SD planned to flip the property -- including the two City-owned parcels that SD had never actually purchased -- to Pinnacle Construction's William Park, who styled himself on a 15 December Rezoning Petition as "Contract Purchaser" of the entire Ridge-Cherry property, including the two City parcels.

Over the weeks since, more information has emerged even as the relationship between Park and SD has shifted. They now style themselves partners. Most important, however, the Rezoning Petition -- consistently described by Neighborhood Development Services as "changes to the [William Taylor Plaza] PUD" -- actually seeks approval for a completely different project. That project is much larger in square footage (120,000 rather than 80,000-100,000) and notably more intrusive on the site but lower in environmental standard. So if approved, it would have much greater impact on everything from trees and traffic to the people who call the surrounding historic neighborhood home.

But that isn't all. Only two days ago, we were able to learn from paragraphs buried in an attachment to the NDS staff report on the Rezoning Petition -- which will be open for public comment for the first and last time at an 8 February Joint Public Hearing before City Council and Planning Commission -- how very different in character the Park project is. To wit: The residential component of SD's WTP consisted of 50 units for sale. The residential component of Park's WTP, however, consists of 80 apartments available only for rent. Further, that enormous apartment complex -- clearly a clone of Treesdale Park (Affordable Multifamily Rental Community) developed by William Park and AHIP in Albemarle County -- would rely on Low-Income Housing Tax Credits from the Virginia Housing Development Authority as well as on City Council rewriting its $253,000 sale contract with SD so that Park-SD would acquire the two City taxpayer-owned parcels on Ridge Street for no cash whatsoever.

And all of this has proceeded without one single act of outreach to neighbors -- most of whom have no idea what's afoot. Yes, let's dredge everywhere. First, though, please tell City Councilors and Planning Commissioners before Tuesday the 8th that this is not all right.

Someone needs to do there homework Mr.Spencer...the census show a DROP in population in C'ville .Of course "the city" states this is not true than it gained 3k...hmmmm....Do you think the census was that far off?????

I agree with Betty Mooney--we should be dredging, not damming!

So are Cville leaders just keeping their heads in the sand or is the census correct?

Here are some Presidential Election results (from C-ville City's website & 2008 from internet:
2000 Election total voters: 18,805 (58.8% Gore, 30.6%Bush)
2004 Election total voters: 21,335 (72.1% Dem, 27.2% Rep)
2008 Election total voters: 18,770 (78.465 Obama 20.63% McCain)

The story says there are 10,000 new registered voters in Charlottesville but does not say from what year. But in the last 10 years about the same number of people actually voted in 2008 as in 2000. The democrat percentage has increased but the total number of actual voters in Presidential elections (usually which pulls out the highest percentage voters is Presidential) was less in 2008 than it was in 2000 a census year.
If you look at the number of people actually voting there was a decease from 2008 vs. 2000

So now there will be comments removed with no note saying they've been "Deleted by moderator?"

Yes, Michael. When a media organization is doing back flips to protect and cover up those who were trying to aid and profit from a child prostitution ring, they have to do any number of things. That includes deleting online comments.

It sounds like the new tactics of ACORN excuse me UVA designed to increase a demacratic majority have been so successful they are being called into question, 10,000 additional, hmmm.

@Bryan: you misunderstand... I guess I don't actually have an issue with them deleting the comments (they were way off-topic), but I think I have an issue with them doing so without leaving a message that they have done so. In the past, when messages were deleted, the moderator would just edit out the comment and leave a note that said "deleted by moderator."

To me, this is a bit like editing a story without noting that a correction was made.

There is no relevant story thread to post on, Michael - and that is exactly the point. Nonetheless, it sure is making news elsewhere..

And, oh, they've been caught...........AGAIN.

I think (I don't know positively) the census showed the City lost 100 people from 2000 to 2010. The City came back and said that is not right we have registered 10,000 new voters, so the census was changed up 3,000. But if you look at the number of people actually voting 18,805 in 2000 and 18,770 in 2008 it backs up the original census of flat or no growth.