Un-conventional: "Cedar Rapids" sinfully sweet

You are making the mistake of thinking of Cedar Rapids as a small town. In Cedar Rapids, a sweet comedy with a dirty mind, it is the metropolis, a sinkhole of sex, sin and high living at an annual insurance industry convention. Into this pit of depravity descends the innocent and naive Tim Lippe (Ed Helms), who never before in his life has left his hometown of Brown Valley, Wis.

Helms, from The Office, is assigned to take the big trip after his boss dies in embarrassing circumstances. His character is a bachelor who still lives in his childhood home, although excitement has recently entered his life with his first affair. Yes, he's sleeping with his grade school teacher, Miss Vanderhei, who is played by Sigourney Weaver as a woman who has seen it all–- if it's in Brown Valley, anyway.

Lippe's assignment: Attend the convention and come home with the coveted Two Diamonds Award. I immediately flashed on the older son in Gates of Heaven, sitting proudly behind and in front of plaques and statuettes and observing that he is displaying "the maximum trophies" to impress young recruits into–- yes, it was the insurance business there, too. Apparently, the folks in Brown Valley prefer to deal with Two Diamonds winners. READ FULL STORY

Read more on: Ed Helmsroger ebert

1 comment

I want to see this film! For one thing, my husband is from Waterloo, IA (not far from CR) and I love Ed Helms. When will it come to Cville?????