Trump talking about becoming U.S. president

Donald Trump, the New York-based real estate magnate and reality television star– and most recently the man who would buy all the properties recently lost by Patricia Kluge to foreclosure– wants to be the next American president.

The hints began in January, but a new dispatch from Mike Allen of Politico quotes “Morning” Joe Scarborough: “I talked to him yesterday on the phone … and he said, ‘Most people out there think this is a joke – that I’m doing this for publicity. Imagine what happens the day I announce I am actually running for president.'"

Allen's colleague at Politico has a new story asserting that Trump has a $2 billion personal war-chest on which to fund any campaign.

Back to the matter of ginormous Albemarle House and the other Kluge properties Trump has been bidding on, he recently told the Washington Post that he has "no idea" what he'd do with them.

How about a new Camp David–- er, Camp Donald?


In 10 seconds you turned me into a frothing liberal democrat for the next election.

He is a joke; let him run and throw his money away. Or am I wrong and the people of this country can't tell the difference between a TV joke and a real person.


Do not understand your comment. Most arrogant rich folks like trump are liberal to start with and tey get worse. Doed the phrase "limousine liberal" mean nothing (coined by former Philadelphia mayor Rizzo)? Just look at all the Hollywood types. Nary a conservative in the lot.

Trump will be in the Hook continuously until he dies or fails to buy that property. Ugh.

I 2nd that emotion...let's forego the Trump card, shall we? He's a complete bore and hopefully he won't be bringing that comb-over to Charlottesville.

"Do not understand your comment."

The last flip I heard about was for Republican.

I hope that is correct because I just joined ACORN, changed my presets to NPR and bought a Rachel Madow poster.


Talk about a media created joke, who is currently residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue now???

Now his interest in Albemarle House makes sense - down the road from the Jefferson and Madison estates. And of course running for president as a Virginian would be a plus.

Now his interest in Albemarle House makes sense - down the road from the Jefferson and Madison estates. And of course running for president as a Virginian would be a plus.

No one conservative in Hollywood? How about Dennis Miller? Bruce Willis? That dingbat from SNL who is a Tea Partier, Victoria Jackson? Clint Eastwood? James Belushi? Scott Baio? Stephen Baldwin, James Caviezel, Drew Carey, Bo Derek, Jeff Foxworthy, Mel Gibson, Kelsey Grammer, Robert Duvall, Dwight "The Rock" Johnson, Fred Thompson, Heather Locklear, Jon Voigt, John Wayne?

And Ronald Reagan. Oh, I forgot. In today's climate, Ronald Reagan could never get the Tea Party nomination.

Hunter S. Thompson for President with Ross Perot as his VP. Too bad Thompson croaked...

Add to the Hollywood conservative list: the late Charleton Heston.

Anyone in the Oral Office will be better than the last several occupants. At least Trump knows how to run a business; applying his savvy to the Fedzilla would be most refreshing. Methinks Trump will first have to have that orangutan surgically removed from his forehead, though.

D.T. has no intention of running for President - this is just a ploy to get his name in the media again (for the billionth time) to promote his upcoming 8th season of The Apprentice.

That picture of him is proof that different microwave ovens vary and cooking time may need to be adjusted.

What WE deserve: palin-trump in 0-12..


Has anyone hear actually head what the Donald hast to say? He has some pretty darn good ideas that should be talked about, especially regarding China. Don' dismiss him just because of his reputation. Listen to this interview:

I belive if trump does the right things and really put his back to it he we be the next president. You people spiting out half silly and old jokes want stop people like trump. they trump you for a living. how about that folks.

Tha Donald takes wittout axing: ODT roolz............

This self absorbed con man who is off the scale of narcissism would appeal to some. That's the world of nattering nitwits we live in now.

Eric cantor : corporate pinp. shame of virginia...

@Jack: "This self absorbed con man who is off the scale of narcissism would appeal to some."

I'm assuming that you're referring to Da One, the omnipotent, all-knowing Barack Hussein Obama. Back-bencher, community organizer, part-time law school lecturer extraordinaire who NEVER makes mistakes and always has someone to point to to blame when his vast amount of expertise and all his czars and toadies fail to measure up.

I would definately vote for him in a primary over Huckabee, Palin or Gingrich.