Besides Monticello, what's the best historic house tour?


Um, how about none?

I know, that's blasphamous to say in these parts. ;)

I saw a house tour of Monticello online and it was boooooriiiiiiiing. "And this wallpaper is a recreation of what we think Mrs. Jefferson would have liked for this room. And in this room we've conferred with historians to recreate what we think the furniture would have been. And here's the actual desk where Jefferson himself once wrote a letter and read a book! And outside we have fully restored the area where Jefferson kept his slaves. Isn't this exciting folks?? Now, be sure to check out our gift shop!"


Methinks you are the problem with America. Trash everything - just to make yourself look smarter, and above everone else with your "different" opinion. It is the negativity, and phoney cynicism that you emanate that causes you to trash your self. Criticism can be neutral.

Does it have to be local? I've heard Fallingwater is worth the 5+ hour drive, but have yet to go myself.

We went to Montpelier recently and were very impressed with the tour, the house and the gardens. If you haven't seen it since it's been taken back to the Madison design, it's quite worth a trip. Also, nice places to picnic.

Swannanoa is well worth seeing even though it's mostly empty and you aren't allowed into all the rooms.

Poplar Forest, Ashlawn/Highland, Montpelier are all well worth a visit plus point of Honor in Lynchburg. Let's hope "boooo!" stays home!!

Now that I've lived in 6 different states and a wide variety of places, I realize even more how much CVL has to offer. Great history, great scenery, great people, etc., etc. You have to travel abroad (e.g. in Rome they describe new stuff as build within the last 400 years) to get any better