Norwood announces Board of Supervisors run

Jim Norwood announced on Thursday that he plans to seek the Republican nomination for the Scottsville Board of Supervisors, a position currently held by Lindsay Dorrier. Businessman Norwood wants to bring more businesses to Charlottesville to keep UVA students in the community.

Updated June 5: Lindsay Dorrier's name was misspelled in the original version.


Mr.Norwood's statement, "wants to bring more businesses to Charlottesville to keep UVa students in the community." .....does not make any sense. Why would UVa students leave the community to go shopping?

uh, yeah. with what the average business pays and the cost of living around here, that's NOT going to happen. we have enough bar tenders & wait staff

Kind of ironic don't ya think. Billions and billions of dollars will be donated to politicians for them to be elected and tell us we don't have enough money for the things we need.

Read this article and see who the real man is that is running for Board of Supervisors.