John Couric: Father to late legislator Emily has died at 90

The father of late legislator Emily Couric has died at the age of 90 in a Washington, D.C.-area hospital, the Washington Post reports. John Couric was a frequent presence in Charlottesville, with visits including the 2008 groundbreaking and the 2011 dedication of the UVA cancer center dedicated to the memory of his daughter who served Charlottesville in the State Senate before losing her battle to pancreatic cancer in 2001. John Couric is survived by his wife Elinor and three children, John Couric Jr., Katie Couric, and Clara Batchelor.

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emily couric passed away due to colon cancer. i know. she was my neighbor growing up

Sorry to disagree neighbor, but I believe Emily had pancreatic cancer and Katie's husband passed away from colon cancer in his 40's

Actually, Emily Couric did die from pancreatic cancer in 2001. Katie Couric's husband, Jay Monahan, died from colon cancer. The Couric family certainly knows the heartache of this dreaded diagnosis. Praying this new center will result in far more cures than deaths in the coming years.