They let us down

 "If we hit zero, what do we do?" wonders Larry Tropea, executive director of the Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority, in your story "Doomsday: What happens when it's all gone?" [September 26, 2002] I suggest this doomsday scenario as headlines.

"Officials resign when city runs out of water"

"Authorities unprepared for once-in-25-year drought"

"Charlottesville– first town ever to go dry"

"Siltation means less water"

"New talk of Buck Mountain Creek reservoir"

The candid truth is our officials have let us down. Senior leaders either don't know or don't talk about our history even though young folks are asking. Local papers don't do research or timelines. You would think the Record Drought of '77 would be common knowledge. A major historical event is repeating, but only a few people know they are watching the past replay before their very eyes.

So when you turn on the tap and nothing happens, I leave you with this headline: "Lack of historical literacy: Do we deserve to run out of water?"

Blair Hawkins