McRaven: Vandalism escalates

School board candidate Linda McRaven has seen her signs disappear throughout the campaign– the count was at 25 when The Hook reported on the disappearances two weeks ago. Right before the election, the vandalism took a bizarre twist.

McRaven was driving along Garth Road November 2 when she spotted her blue-and-white signs in a pile of orange trash bags near the Montvue subdivision. When she stopped to retrieve her purloined signs, she discovered another insult to injury: Her signs had been cut up like a ransom note and the letters glued back on to read, "Anti-school candidate."

"I read the sign and my mouth dropped," says the mother of five. "It was cut up like a kidnap note."

McRaven calls the incident "unbelievable," and she's had enough. She figured that with all the cutting and pasting, there could be fingerprints on the sign. She called the Albemarle police.

