Credit where credit is due

I very much appreciate the help in getting the word out about our test screening of the movie Charlie's Party. [New, "Guinea pigs: New film needs test audience," December 18]. It is important to me, however, to correct a couple of misconceptions that were included or implied in the article.

First, the article referred to me as a producer of The Station Agent. This is not correct, as my only official role was to help in financing the film. I was privileged to work with a talented group of producers, Robert May and Kathryn Tucker of SenArt Films who worked in association with Mary Jane Skalski of Next Wednesday Productions. These fine producers gave me the opportunity to begin to learn this fascinating business through the process of making this wonderful film.

My next film, Charlie's Party, on which I was (among other things) the Executive Producer, was produced by Sibling Rivalry Productions, a different production company altogether. It should be understood that there is really no connection between The Station Agent and our work in progress, Charlie's Party.

Making a film takes great effort and skill, and those responsible for bringing a project to life deserve great credit. In any endeavor, it's important that all credit go where it's due, and in association with a film such as The Station Agent that has received great acclaim, it's even more important.

Barry R. Sisson

P.S. I encourage everyone to see The Station Agent at Vinegar Hill while it's in town! You'll be glad that you did!
