Station elation: Local premiere draws happy crowd

Sometimes, you just have to give Charlottesville some credit. How many small towns foster multi-platinum recording artists, famous photographers, best selling authors, and– now– Sundance Film Festival heroes?

Last Thursday, November 28, I realized this town walks as big as it talks when the charismatic Barry Sisson led the local premiere of the much-acclaimed The Station Agent at Vinegar Hill Theatre.

As noted in several recent Hook stories, Sisson's role in bringing The Station Agent to life could be summed up as producer, and the critics– including the New York Times, the New Yorker, Roger Ebert, and even the Hook's own Steve Warren– have been liberal in their praise.

Champagne and dessert rewarded the post-premiere crowd at the downtown's Dot 2 Dot gallery. The movie put everyone in good mood, so the reception was warm, relaxed, and fun! (Makes me wonder what a reception would be like after a bad movie...).

As in any cinematic story, the event had a sub-plot. Before the showing and throughout the night, Sisson's gregarious daughter (Barri) and her seventh-grade classmates kept guests amused with their crazy outbursts and exuberant optimism. I remember being shy at that age. Compared to them, I think I'm still shy. Anyway, if you didn't know, cool people wear hats.

And go see The Station Agent.

Clockwise from left: Josh "Ladies Man" Rombach, Anna Duensing, Emily Ripper, Cameron Crumpler, Cara Jiaramite, Rosie Motley, and Barri Sisson

Marc Lieberman and I were in the same boat throughout the night.

Rosie "Cool Hat" Motley with mom, Sandy

Barry Sisson at Q&A after the showing

Ruth Morton is the Champagne Queen!

Barry Sisson and his lovely wife, Terre
