New biz: Boxwood ladies don't do topiary

"They don't like wet feet, and they like to be protected from the wind," says Ann Majewski. Though Majewski could be referring to just about any person dealing with this winter's brutal weather, she's actually talking about Boxwoods.

Majewski and business partner Debbie McVey started the Charlottesville Boxwood Ladies three years ago to fill a need they saw while both were working for the Charlottesville parks and grounds division.

Boxwoods "tend to be neglected," says Majewski, "until one day someone wakes up and says, 'Oh my gosh, there's a 40-foot boxwood in my front yard.'"

The Boxwood Ladies refuse to turn boxwoods into swans or snowmen. "We don't do topiary," says Majewski, who explains they focus on restoring the health of the plants and helping owners select proper plant placement.

Anne Majewski is one of the Charlottesville Boxwood Ladies.

