Charlottesville by Night: When the lights go down in the city

'Twas the night before deadline, when all through C-town,

Not a darn thing was happening (not even downtown!).

The camera was hung from my neckstrap with care

In hopes that my last Photophile would appear.


When up from my head arose a great thought:

I'd take pictures at night. Why not give that a shot?

Away in my car, I was gone in a dash

To shoot points of interest without using a flash.


The cars on the bypass, the trolley downtown,

The scene on the corner when no one's around,

Main Street, the Rotunda, they were all picture perfect,

An evening in our town, these photos reflect.


If you finished this poem, it's you I commend,

I'm good with the camera, less so with a pen.

It's out with the old, and in with the new,

Please welcome the next Photophiler, as I bid you adieu!


250 bypass, view from Locust Avenue bridge

Main Street

The Corner

The Downtown Mall

Gratuitous nighttime Rotunda photo