More Moore: Sundance channel signs Trevor

Whatever happened to sketch comedy program The Trevor Moore Show? More specifically, whatever happened to the Giant Walkin' Talkin' Box, Moore's conversations with squirrels, and most importantly, Trevor Moore himself?

Although The Hook was unable to trace the whereabouts of the box, and the squirrels declined an interview, we did manage to track down and speak with Moore.

As many long-term Charlottesville residents probably remember, in the late '90s, Moore, now 24, created one of the more popular public access shows. He signed a deal with a production company to write and produce the appropriately named Trevor Moore Show. The show was immediately popular, but after 11 months of airtime, the producers deemed his humor too offensive for wholesome Charlottesville.

Which made it perfect for New York.

Moore moved to Manhattan, where he did stand-up comedy before meeting Sam Brown, with whom he began his sketch comedy troupe in 2000, The Whitest Kids U Know.

With Moore leading the group as head writer, The Whitest Kids grew to 13 members. Recently it was cut back to include the absolutely whitest: Moore, Brown, Zach Cregger, Timmy Williams, Darren Trumeter, and an occasional guest. They perform weekly at Pianos, a downtown New York bar.

A year after the creation of the Whitest Kids, Moore landed an internship with Lorne Michaels, executive producer of Saturday Night Live.

"I just took a bus up to New York from Charlottesville for the interview," he says, "and when they found that out, they said I could have it."

Upon completion of the year-long internship, Moore began an internship that allowed him to work on several late-night comedy shows, including Late Night with Conan O'Brien and Saturday Night Live.

But Moore fans don't have to take 29 North to see their beloved comedian making his comeback as a television performer. Sundance Channel has picked up the Whitest Kids' pilot that could potentially run for five seasons on the Sundance Channel.

"We just put it together one weekend," says Moore. "We taped it ourselves, and I think it turned out pretty good."

The air date for the pilot has yet to be set, but in the meantime Moore also writes, produces, and performs on a weekly show called Uncle Morty's Dub Shack, sponsored by ImaginAsian TV, a new Asian television network.

Despite his multi-tasking in New York, Moore maintains his connections in Charlottesville. His comic strip, "Cuddy," still appears weekly in the Daily Progress.

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