CORRECTION- Wrong tree, mangled quote, wrong headlime

* The wrong photo ran of the potentially doomed poplar in last week's story, "ARB outrage: Tree angst at White Gables." The correct Billy Hunt photo is below.

* A paragraph was garbled in the Hot Seat on new Miller Center director of development Maurice Jones. A quote from him should have read, "It's not just asking people for money. The most important part I do is to meet people and build relationships. A passion of mine is politics and the presidency, and I talk to them about shared interests."

* A production error resulted in the wrong sub-headline to accompany last week's review of the new Johnny Cash movie. The sub-head should have read: "Too much walk, not enough fire."

* Near the end of last week's Dr. Hook column [, the origin of Symlin was misstated. Symlin does not come from the gila monster, nor is it an incretin analog. Symlin is a synthetic version of the hormone amylin which is co-secreted with insulin. It is for use by both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetics who are taking insulin.