Crozet's choking out here

The news article, "ARB outrage: Tree angst at White Gables" in the November 17 edition, caught my eye. I have always enjoyed the view of the white mansions while driving back and forth to Câville and was concerned about that view when the construction started.

Thus, I am in full agreement with ARB's concerns about the trees. However, I couldn't help thinking about the recent radical change of scenery brought about by the new Crozet development adjacent to Highlands. What had been a beautiful view of the mountains has been all but obliterated by crammed-together houses.

To use Candace Smith's words describing her issues with the trees at White Gables, the Crozet development has "completely changed the landscape." To top it off, those houses are so close to the road that one has to wonder about the safety of the occupants if a car should lose control.

Out here in Crozet, one of the County Growth Areas, we have many concerns about what the planning board and ARB are approving. Can they see beyond the white mansions close to Charlottesville? I would ask that they take a drive all the way to Crozet before making any more decisions regarding developments out here.

Currently, the farm(s) along Route 240 between Highlands and Western Ridge are in the development process. Please, planners, monitor the site plans more carefully. How about preserving a belt of trees between the new houses and Western Ridge?

Sharon Ekstrand