I will: New Year's Resolutions

My resolution for 2006 is...

David Slutzky:
"To justify the support and confidence the Rio District voters showed me on Election Day.

Robert Harllee:
"To go to Italy again... and again, and again, and again."

Gordon Walker:
"To use the time that for the last four years was devoted to the Albemarle County School Board to learning tai-chi, Spanish, and what's in the heads of my grandchildren."

Barry Sisson:
"To make a great film in 2006– and I'm well on the way!"

Ken Elzinga: "
To better live out Question #1 of the Westminster Catechism, What is the chief end of man? Answer: To glorify God, and fully to enjoy Him forever."

Andy Waldeck:
"1) to limit my late night partying to special occasions– something more important than a Tuesday night I happen to be in town with beer in me. 2) My wife and I are trying to start a family, so I guess I want to make myself a better father type guy so I'm ready when it happens."

Maurice Jones:
"To spend more time with my friends and family, and to raise a whole lot of money for the Miller Center."

Mac McDonald:
"To open a blues bar!"

Forrest Marshall:
"To lose some weight and to have my back, which I broke in an automobile accident this fall, heal completely."

Judy McLeod:
"To strive not to shoot any angels or exalt any demons!"

Kim Tingley:
"To spend my time and energy creating a multi-state coalition of business and environmental groups to lobby for federal funding to restore the Chesapeake Bay."