LETTER- Get a gay perspective

Why are the Charlottesville weeklies selling their souls to wedding planners?

First the C-ville Weekly published a wedding insert; now the Hook dedicates an issue to "Getting Hitched." While I'm sure getting hitched is a wonderful experience, I don't know if I'll ever find out.

On an annual basis, our state blatantly discriminates against the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender community, including banning same-sex marriage. Now, the Hook is doing its part to marginalize LGBT persons.

The "Getting Hitched" issue does not make one mention about same-sex unions of any sort. Nowhere in the whole issue could I find a bride or groom who wasn't straight. Even in the advertisements, I found that queer-friendly businesses were putting on a straight-face for your issue. You'd think there were no gay people in this city.

Even your review of Brokeback Mountain is off-putting. After mostly plot summary, the writer concludes, "Non-gay viewers' reactions will vary, but quite a few will be surprised at how much they like Brokeback Mountain."

As if the monolithic gay community reviews movies in an identical fashion.

How about in every movie review featuring straight people, you add "Non-straight viewers' reactions will vary."

Get with it, Hook. You're published in one of the most progressive cities in the state; you shouldn't still have cold feet.

Blake Wilding