Sock it to 'em: Fingering Uncle Monsterface


Uncle Monsterface is equal parts GWAR, Jim Henson, and rock opera. The three-piece rock band performs in an intricate presentation involving dozens of sock puppets, each of which spends the whole set singing and dancing and trying to quell a paralyzing fear of the big bad boss sock puppet, who also has a six-foot alternate form that will likely scare the bejesus out of most of the humans present.

Uncle Monsterface himself doesn't usually do interviews, so instead we chatted with Yellow-Rednose in order to get some insight into the production.


The Hook: What's your role in the show?

Yellow-Rednose: Well, for the most part, I dance around.

The Hook: How many other puppets do you work with?

Yellow-Rednose: Uncle Monsterface is a bit of a dictator; he's a snaggle-toothed fellow who gives the orders. It's only those who do what he says who get to participate– if you don't do what he says, you don't make the cut. So there are only a small number who get to participate in the rock and roll show. There are probably at least 60 or 70 in all, but only about a dozen or so participate on any given night.

The Hook: He sounds mean.

Yellow-Rednose: He has a very clear vision, and some of us respect that vision.

The Hook: Does he get mad if you don't follow the script?

Yellow-Rednose: I think the guys who do the songs know approximately what they are going to sing, but we sock puppets... it's improvisational. We have marks to hit, certain things that Uncle Monsterface wants us to do, and if we don't do them, we're in trouble.

The Hook: Speaking of which, what's the music like?

Yellow-Rednose: These guys rock out so hard that your face falls off and gets down on the ground and starts throwing the devil sign with a weird little fleshy mound right under the hairline. And you shouldn't be able to see that because your face has fallen off, but you still can somehow. It's totally awesome. But that's just one sock's opinion.

The Hook: Well, that doesn't tell me much... how about this: what are the major influences?

Yellow-Rednose: If I could characterize it, I'd say that it's like 72 Super Bowls, covered in gold, surrounded by hot women. In space.

The Hook: So these hot women in space, are they aliens or astronauts?

Yellow-Rednose: Now you're just being silly.

The Hook: Okay, fine. But are the musicians also the puppeteers?

Yellow-Rednose: You're taking it to a pretty existential zone for me. As a sock puppet, I question what goes on– where do I end and where does the hand begin? Am I anything without that hand inside me? There are these big gaps of time where I don't remember a thing. While it's occupying my being, can it do other things? I can't imagine how it could, but that's not for me to know.

The Hook: Does Uncle Monsterface play an instrument?

Yellow-Rednose: No. Nothing other than his greatness. Is his greatness an instrument?

The Hook: Well, then what exactly does he do?

Yellow-Rednose: I'm not sure he'd approve of me talking about that.


We certainly don't want to make him angry. Luckily for us, Uncle Monsterface reportedly can't read. Whew! That was close! It looks like you'll have to go check out the show at the Twisted Branch Tea Bazaar if you're curious.

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