Assault history: Haskins gets 25 years for child sodomy

For a 27-year-old, Robert Terrell Haskins has racked up a pretty lengthy rap sheet consisting largely of sexual assaults. His latest day in court June 28 resulted in his lengthiest sentence: 25 years on two counts of forcible sodomy of a minor. Yet some are wondering if that's enough.

Haskins began his notorious career on December 30, 2002, as the Greenleaf Attacker. He knocked down a 34-year-old mother who was in the park with her toddler, and told police he intended to have sexual relations with her; but when she fought him off and screamed, he fled.

In court a year later, police were outraged that instead of a felony attempted rape conviction, an out-of-town judge convicted him of misdemeanor sexual battery and sentenced Haskins to six months time served.

He picked up another misdemeanor sexual battery conviction for grabbing the buttocks of a female jogger in February 2003 on Locust Avenue, and almost immediately after his release from jail in October 2003, he allegedly chased another woman down that same street.

In 2005, he followed a woman who lived on Little High Street several times, asked to use her bathroom, kissed her, then attempted to break into her house, and stole her purse and a laptop, for which he was sentenced to four-and-a-half years in prison.

Also in 2003, he began his two-year molestation of an eight-year-old boy, who was a neighbor. The victim, now 17, contacted police in 2010, and Haskins was charged with five counts of forcible sodomy and one count of aggravated sexual battery.

Haskins' attorney, David Eustis, told the judge his client has developmental delays and an IQ of 55, Tasha Kates reports in the Daily Progress

Albemarle Sheriff Chip Harding, who was a Charlottesville police officer when Haskins began his escalating attacks, calls him a "serial sexual predator" who has impulses he can't control. And without treatment, Harding says in his 38 years in the justice system, "I've not heard of a lot of success."

If Haskins serves 85 percent of his sentence, he'll be released when he's 48, according to Harding's calculations. "I would worry less if he was 70 when he comes out," says Harding. "I'm not comfortable with a 50-year-old serial sexual predator."

However, according to a source familiar with the case, once he serves his sentence, Haskins could face the possibility of civil commitment under Virginia's Sexually Violent Predator Act.

Read more on: robert haskins


For his own good and that of society he should be committed to life in an institution that is humane. These people have very little hope of rehabilitation, but they are not animals and must be treated as mentally ill.

Wonder if they profile when selecting your roomy in prison. Just the free sex thing is enough to keep me from doing anything to get thrown in the clink.

He should have been locked up for good years ago. He is sick

Correct, Patrick. But everybody is too busy making excuses for his behavior and giving him a dozen second chances. Developmental delays, an IQ of 55, impulses he can't control, etc...

He can not control certain "impulses" . The state can control those impulses . Medical procedures can alter him making those problems non existant . It seems more humane to proceed accordingly so he can serve his sentenance and be released as a new modified person able to live his life . He has done dispicable things but there are more dangerous people in society and more known dangerous being released from prisons . A sense of fairness is required here and the courage to fix him .

Do they still do lobotomies? I know castration is out. The latest victim has the Greenleaf Park judge to thank for his trauma. Well done judge. Karma is a b*&%$ .

Priority should be protecting the rest of society from a person like that. Whether its life in an institution or lethal injection, whatever it takes. Its just like an animal with rabies, keep harm from coming to others.

How can the state kill someone and not take a lesser measure of fixing this person . Some compare him to an animal but animals are treated/altered medically so they will not be a threat to others . Kill someone or lock them away until death seems acceptable but a humane common sense measure of fixing is dismissed for some unknown mysterious reason .This person is not like an animal with rabies .He could probably be managed in society by close monitoring,drugs,and counselling . He could be employed in a program for slow learners and actually contribute to the best of his ability .There are more realistic options for him at age 48 than condemming him life in prison .Twenty five years should be sufficient penalty . People commiting violent crimes including homicide with weapons often get off with less punishment.

I thought there was something fishy with this story . The Va Sexual Violent Preditor Act doesn't become applicable until 10 months prior to a scheduled release . The cause for concern is therefore somewhat premature as regards to Mr Haskins . In the year 2032 perhaps would be a more appropriate release date of such article with due regard to his progress from 2011 through to 2032 .Progress in systematic fixing such persons may be available by then . In the interm due calm folks !

NancyDrew: "they are not animals..."
In a literal sense, no, they are not, but there are animals that act more civilized than people like Haskins. Repeat offender, oh, he must be mentally ill, or wait, he has a low IQ. None of these things dismisses behavior like this. He should be locked up away from people for the rest of his life. He has been given chance after chance and his crimes get more sadistic.

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You are still jumping the gun . There is provision by law for an indeterminate incaraction in penal or mental health facilities ,however,the guestion is not addressed until 10 months prior to scheduled release . Blood thirsty types like the ones wanting Casey Anthony put to death and Robert Haskins here put into the next worst situation need to rethink their thinking . In countries where death penalties are abolished and humane treatment of offenders is adhered to murder rates and other horrific crimes decrease .Individual cases are also different . No two cases are the same . This is not an intelligent person thinking he is smarter than the law and everyone else , knowing right from wrong but still doing wrong . This poor soul has been deproved at birth and i doubt he knows right from wrong on many basic issues . To glibly dismiss him to the rest of his life behind bars is an injustice .Thankfully there is a procedure and panel that might be invoked in 2032 and not a peanut gallery ........

The real criminals here are those in society who said to give him a second and third chance when all the facts were obviously in. We need to accept that there are those among us who are defective and need to be kept away from an envrionment where they can injure others.

If that is a mental institution or a chain gang the first obligation is to future victims.

Anyone so naive as to think we are all redeemable should have to let him sleep at their house for a few months.

Just because a person might not want someone sleeping in their house is not the litmus test for locking them away for life . People have a wide set of criteria for whom they may have in their home or who they may befriend . Some among us are defective . I suggest there are no perfect people among us . This particular person was born with numerous strikes against him and has not done well . Proper intervention much sooner should have saved his victims and him from himself .He has a long time until 2032 to get straightened out ,there shouldn't be a media spectacle prejuding his disposition until that date has arrived .I am not comfortable with a sheriff whipping up public hysteria against someone 21 years before their sentence is served . He should stick to his duties and leave the prejudice baiting to the likes of Tot Mom Nancy Grace or Oink from Oink On Crime . They both like to pig out on personal financial gain while smearing ,smearing, and smearing .

Agreed Frank! However, with media hype and the internet as a form of information, just about everyone lives in fear these days. So sad, I remember a time that things like this were just not heard of or very few and far between. I guess it was there, we just didn't hear about it...ignorance was such bliss.

It is nothing but a filthy beast and deserves nothing less than death. Defective products are thrown away or recycled. This ... animal ... should be castrated or shot on public television, prime time, and broadcast nationally.

Yes he is defective and can't control certain impulses . Putting him in prison 10 ,25 ,or 50 years is not a cure . He can't control those impulses ,therefore,he is not responsable for his crimes . He should be fixed now and released under supervision . Bullying the state into shooting him for their entertainment on television will not play well on the world stage . Soon the state would run out of actors to play the shootee and folks would be clamoring for shooting people who litter,people who J-walk ,and people whose dog pisses on their neighbours lawn .

Wonderful logical fallacy. It's called "Slippery Slope" and it doesn't fly.

Punishment worked better when it was cruel and unusual. Though I do agree with one of your points... putting that thing in jail is no cure. Though I don't believe with the bleeding heart "It can't control those impulses" argument. I call "grass recycled through the digestive system of a male bovine." No, because if that argument is believed and it is put in jail, I have to pay for it. It's cheaper for the bullet, or the rope.

The ultimate punishement of death penalty doesn't work . Countries who have dispensed with it have reduced murder rates from that point . The state is no longer killing plus reduced citizen murder rate equates to a net net reduction in humans taking the life of others . Much more civilized enviornment within which to humanly deal with crime prevention and remedial actions . Refuge to the slippery slope idea is just an act of denial by a mindset at minimum that is clearly already near or at the bottom of the slope . To value money above life and want those killed that require to be maintained by the state is symtymetic of being in the cesspool @ the bottom of the moral slope .To add to and confirm this morbid state of mind some might want to watch for their own entertainment on TV . As a desciple of fallacious doctrine no doubt the lemmings who fall for turning back the clock to barbarianism read themself to sleep with Mein Kamph or Daffy Kadaffy's Green Book .

Ever wondered why Libya is the wealthiest nation in Africa, threatening to turn the tables on the control structure of the globalists? Ever wonder why the establishment media owned by the globalists are making up outright lies about the leader of Libya and dropping compassion on the people of Libya from predator drones? Gee wiz, what's Gadhaffi have to do with child molestation? Oh, wait. The media...

Local law enforcement officers and prosecutors told me it is perfectly legal for a father to put his fingers up his three year old's rectum and into his colon making him choke and black out and have nightmares about his father. That's not child sodomy, just ask Denise Lunsford or Greg Jenkins. I don't know if Greg will admit putting things up his kids arse to you, but he admitted it to me. I wouldn't make that up.

It is not a lie that Kadaffy has let his thugs run wild against the citizens of Libya commiting murder,genocide ,sex crimes etc . The reference to him was as an example of crimes by the state against it's citizens . Note that Chanaqua is advocating state sponsered crime against Mr Haskin .

Frank, I understand your point of view. However, this man is a serial sexual predator. Given his limitatioins, the chances of him being rehabilitated are very slim. I too, believe that SERIAL predators should be put away (for life) and for those committing the most heinous assaults the death penalty should be an option. It's easy to say, "let's see by 2032 if he has rehabilitated himself" and consider releasing him back into society when you are not a potential victim. Sexual assault is very traumatizing to its victims and takes a long time to recover from, if at all. I think it is too great of a risk to the safety and well-being of the women (and young boys) in the Charlottesville community to have a let's wait and see attitude. Look at it from a different perspective. Are you willing to take that chance with your wife, daughter/son, and/or grandchildren and have this man as your neighbor? Unfortunately, everyone can not be rehabilitated, and that has been proven countless times. Just ask the victims or their families.

It is not easy to say wait until 2032 , it is the law to wait until then . The indeterminate provisions do not kick in until then . The general point of view is to lock him up for life or kill him . Why the revulsion against actually fixing him medically ? That seems to be a more sensable and humane approach for all parties . If his uncontrollable urges were expunged the public safety factor would be satisfactorly addressed and the penalty factor would be irrelevant . Fix him ,release him and move on to confront currant dangerous offenders .

Mein Kampf (at least spell it right) was a horrible read, honestly. Read like the ramblings of a crazy meth addict ... oh wait... The Green Book is even worse. And I have wonderfully high moral standards. Just not for:
1) Sub-human and defective animals that have proven, THROUGH PAST HISTORY, zero chance at rehabilitation.
2) Sexual predators of children.

We are only aware of the tip of the iceberg of sexual predators who violate children . Strangers who are serial offenders and family who commit incest are also quite prevelant . Many of the latter are never discovered but are otherwise considered to have wonderfully high moral standards . They all can't be locked for life up or killed .In any event such practice of killing them puts everyone else in lower category than the perp. by the action itself . Sure killing them is a natural knee jerk reaction to express horror of the offense against the sicko but not the civilized thing to do.