Lend a hand: Lighten up at Live Arts

My grandmother used to say, "Many hands make light work." She was the youngest of 10 children and spent her entire life on a farm, where every day was filled with chores that proved easier when everyone pitched in to assist. The folks at Live Arts would understand my grandmother's adage. Putting up a show requires the commitment of lots of hands.
That's part of the motivation for a new series of classes Live Arts is offering over the next two months. "Hands On" includes four separate sessions designed to familiarize volunteers with the technical skills necessary to ensure the smooth run of a production. Small group tutorials that meet for three hours on selected Saturday mornings focus on lighting, sound, stage management, and running the LAB Space, the intimate black box theater where smaller and more experimental shows are staged.
So, you want to be part of the show, but not so sure you're ready to appear on stage? Here's your chance to learn a little more about the technical side of the theater world. All you need is a free Saturday morning.
The first session takes place this Saturday, October 12, and focuses on managing the LAB Space. Get first hand experience with sound equipment, learn to run the two-scene pre-set light board, and discover the possibilities of this "experimental" performance venue.
A workshop on lighting comes next. On October 26, you can pick up a basic understanding of light design and instruments. You'll participate in a "light hang" and get your hands on the Live Arts light board so you can figure out what all the knobs and buttons do.
On November 9, you can get an overview of stage management. From running auditions to planning for the final cast party, you'll get an up-close and personal introduction to the details of working with directors, actors, other "techies" and crew members from folks who have been doing this job for years.
Rounding out the series on November 23 is a session on sound design. Review a variety of sound systems, learn to run levels, and experiment with the use of live and canned music and special effects. Part of this session will even involve work on the current show in production, the musical The Wild Party.

Lend a hand, learn a new skill, become a volunteer. Live Arts wants to help you build the confidence you need to join the fun of making a show come to life. The "Hands On" series of workshops have class limits, so call now to enroll. All sessions take place at the theater, 609 E. Market St. Saturday mornings, 9am-noon. $15. 977-4177, x100.