Hopping Good Time: Beer fest takes a second turn

Charlottesville beer connoisseurs rejoice, The Top of the Hops Beer fest will return in September for another round of enlightened imbibing.

The festival, now in it's second year in Charlottesville, was created to help showcase the increasing number of unique and independent brewers from around the world.

The beer fest will showcase over 150 varieties of craft beer from around the world.There will be a dozen specially brewed casks that will be tapped throughout the festival. Cask-condition beer is unfiltered and unpasteurized, and served straight from the cask without any added nitrogen or carbon dioxide pressure.

The folks from Great Brewers will be on hand to give seminars on brewing your own beer, cooking with beer, and how to best pair a cold one with your favorite dish.

A $40 general admission ticket will give you access to unlimited two-ounce samplings of beer as well as a souvenir sampling mug.

For those who can't wait till the fest opens, there are $75 VIP tickets available that allow you to enter one hour early for a more private tasting experience.

There is also a designated driver ticket for $25 that gives you run of the festival-minus the alcohol. The under 21 crowd will also be allowed admittance to the festival with an adult.

And for those who choose not to partake in the drinking festivities have no fear–there will be food vendors, music, and games. Check out the Festival's website at topofthehopsbeerfest.com/charlottesville/ for more information.