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Why the heck should I subscribe to an RSS feed or two?
Well, besides the fact that all the cool kids are doing it, it saves you a lot of time web-surfing. And we all know how busy executives like you get tired of too much surfing.

And just how do I subscribe?

First, you need a feed reader, also known as a news aggregator. A certain giant, all-powerful search firm offers a free one, but some folks might prefer to choose another reader. (You can also search for "RSS Feed Readers" in any search engine for more options.)

Once you've loaded up your feed reader, subscribing to one of our RSS feeds listed here on this page is simple as pie. Just click the feed link that interests you, and your web browser will do one of two things:
• it'll say something like "add this feed to your reader" or
• it'll show a page of cryptic XML code.
If this latter occurs, that's okay. Don't panic! Just copy the URL, i.e. the web address, into your feed reader.

You're done. From now on, your reader will show all the latest groovy Hook headlines or music or whatever it is that you've subscribed to.

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