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‘Hoos for Hokies’ message erased… by grateful Hokies


The record-breaking reign of the beta bridge painting “Hoos for Hokies” has finally ended, after lasting more than 50 days.

A group of UVA student leaders organized and painted the commemoration on April 16, 2007, the day of the Virginia Tech massacre in which 33 students and professors were killed.

Earlier this week, ‘Hoos for Hokies’ was painted over– apparently by local Tech students or alumni– with their own message of solidarity: “Thanks Hoos- love, The Hokies. See you Nov. 24th!” Looks like the rivalry will be back in full swing at this fall’s Tech/ UVA football game. The game, to take place in Charlottesville this year, is traditionally the last regular-season match-up and usually draws the largest crowds.

Five weeks ago, nine students in a UVA Scenic Painting class and their professor, Sara Brown, painted an intricate faux brick design around “Hoos for Hokies.” They hoped the artistry of their project would discourage would-be painter-overs, and indeed, although students painted several celebratory messages over the brick design during graduation weekend, until the recent Hokie message, no one had covered the original words.

  • joyce f June 13th, 2007 | 12:25 pm

    Classy stuff.

  • See you Nov. 24th! « UVaMag Blog June 14th, 2007 | 10:39 am

    [...] UPDATE: According to this article, the “Hoos for Hokies” painted message on Beta Bridge broke all records when it remained untouched for more than 50 days. [...]

  • [...] record of a single message, 1982’s “Our prayers are with you, Sigma Chi” was probably broken this summer by the “Hoos for Hokies” message that appeared immediately after the [...]

  • Joe G.. October 4th, 2007 | 8:08 pm

    What happened 1n 1982 to Sigma Chi? Was is the U-Haul joyride and crash?

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