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Al Groh to resign?

by Dave McNair
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The Sabre.com is reporting that UVA head football coach Al Groh is going to resign this week to go work for Bill Parcels and the Dolphins as Director of Player Personnel, and his son Mike will be taking over as Virginia’s head coach. Coincidentally, that means that Groh could have some say in drafting Chris Long, who is expected to be a #1 or #2 draft pick.

Of course, the Sabre’s post ends: “In the end, I guess this would be a very bittersweet morning if I wasn’t pulling your chain because it’s April Fool’s Day. Sorry, had to do it.”

We were fooled too!

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  • Stormy April 1st, 2008 | 10:18 am

    Dave, did you even read all the way to the end of the article? You know, to the point where the author writes: “I guess this would be a very bittersweet morning if I wasn’t pulling your chain because it’s April Fool’s Day.”

  • Outskirts Guy April 1st, 2008 | 12:23 pm

    1) Shame on anyone for believing anything that is posted on a news/rumor site today.

    2) If the story had been true it would have been great for UVA (of course it would be even better if Groh Jr. had left).

    3) If the story had been true it would have sunk the Fins into another decade of despair.

  • MixedFeelings April 1st, 2008 | 4:50 pm

    Gee I wonder if he would take Mike there too because he is the best person for the job? Hiring his son as OC has tarnished my respect for Groh.

  • The Good Ol’ Blog » Blog Archive » April Fools Fallout April 2nd, 2008 | 8:14 pm

    [...] of the year that a blogger like me can do some fiction. The fooling part is just collateral damage (here and here). Or maybe a fringe [...]


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