Snap o' the Day: Waiting on a sunny day At 1:30pm, a full six hours before showtime, Bruce Springsteen fans with general admission tickets line up to get their wristbands admitting them on to the floor for tonight’s show. Each wristband has a number, and at 5pm, concert promoters will draw a number to determine who has the lucky number to be first in line when the doors open at 6pm. # (0)
Snap o' the Day: balloon ride A hot-air balloon passes over the tree tops above the Key West neighborhood on Route 20 North this morning at about 7:30am, its burners hissing like a dragon, before disappearing over the horizon. (0)
G-Money trial continued
Gary Christopher Johnson, the 16-year-old accused of murdering Dani Howard in 2006, goes to court September 15 for a trial expected to last 6 to 7 days. Johnson, now 18, who’s being tried as an adult, faces two unrelated charges for murder and attempted murder in New York. (3)
Last week was Historic Garden Week in Virginia. Unofficial parrot tulips adorn a Crozet yard over the weekend. (0)
Snap o' the Day: housekeeping A female Blue Jay guards her newly laid eggs during a thunderstorm over the weekend. Despite the hard rain and a nosy photographer she didn’t stray from her duties. Meanwhile, her boisterous mate, screeching in the branches above her to ward off intruders, would only leave to bring her food, which he would drop into her open beak. (0)