A book about Palin already?
In what has to be one of the fastest publishing jobs we’ve ever seen, author/comedian Greg Bergman and Adams Media have come out with a 246-page book about VP nominee Sarah Palin. 101 Things You (and John McCain) Didn’t Know About Sarah Palin is a series of wisecracking commentaries and satiric riffs based on all the Palin stories we’ve been bombarded with, including mock Palin recipes for Beer-Braised Reindeer, Moose Burgers, and Elk Chili. While the book probably isn’t going to win any Pulitzers, the fact that, in less than a month, its managed to package Palin as Republican folk heroine to be ridiculed has to be a record.
“We were fortunate to have an immediate vision for the project, and a great network of contributors that felt strongly about the topic,” says Adams Media’s Karen Cooper, “…and who were willing to forego sleep until the book was done.”
The book also has a fancy companion website, 101thingsaboutsarahpalin.com, where you can read re-caps of Tina Fey performances and learn how long it took Palin to run a marathon in 2005. You can also learn a little more about Greg Bergman, author of WTF?, BizzWords, -Isms, and The Little Book of Bathroom Philosophy.
“Politically, Mr. Bergman falls left of the fence on most issues; however, he’s right in any and all of his political arguments,” reads his About section. ” This election he might just vote for Sarah Palin, because she’s one hot MILF of a politician—then again, he isn’t an idiot.”
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The latest on the debate tonight–Joe Biden has canceled
Tina Fey will replace him– hope her UVA education pulls her through
Warner dances, Obama goes through a 13 point swing in the polls, Palin gets dragged through the mud.
I guess I’m not surprised.
Anyone think the humor has gone too far? Should the candidates expect it or should they expect respect? Is this book really funny?
This has certainly been a very interesting election year!
Is this in paperback? I didn’t know palin ran a marathon? Though I think in her own way she is sincere, because of her isolated states social and politcal enclave, she would be sharkbait in Washington. Unfortunately, it takes alot of wheeling and dealing on a federal level. AK experience is not enough to get things done.