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Harvard tops UVA, loses 22%

by Hawes Spencer
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Harvard University, which, like UVA, uses the so-called “Yale model” of investing its endowment, is now reporting a 22 percent loss, which is more than UVA’s alleged 18 percent loss.

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  • go dog go December 4th, 2008 | 8:40 am

    You’re right to use the word “alleged,” Hawes, since UVa’s loss will prove to be much larger than 18%.

    And what you don’t mention is how much larger Harvard’s endowment is compared to Virginia’s. What’s that number?

  • yikes December 5th, 2008 | 8:36 pm

    S&P is down 40%; Dow is down 40%. Give UVa a break for God’s sake.

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