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Lynchburg Planned Parenthood to close

by Courteney Stuart
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Planned Parenthood Health Systems is closing its Lynchburg health center on June 30 “due to the weakened economy and its effects on our operating budget,” according to a release from the nonprofit’s vice president, David Nova. The nonprofit dedicated to women’s health care is controversial for one of the services it provides, although much of its mission focuses on education and preventative health care. According to the release, Lynchburg patients– men, women and teens– will now have to travel to Planned Parenthood’s health centers in Roanoke and Charlottesville. Educational outreach will continue in Lynchburg.

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  • Sue April 28th, 2009 | 5:15 pm

    “Closing due to weakened economy”—guess the folks at Liberty University stopped giving

  • enrique April 29th, 2009 | 10:46 am

    Im surprised this place was able to close its own doors. you would of thought it might have been firebombed by now. im glad to see some restraint from the christian right…its so…..human.

  • fdr April 29th, 2009 | 2:09 pm

    Enrique, that was so insulting of you but I guess you thought you were “funny”.

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