Joel Salatin hits silver screen
Joel Salatin, founder of Polyface Farms in Swoope Virginia, may be the Commonwealth’s most celebrated farmer– he’s already a household name from his leading role in sustainable food tome The Omnivore’s Dilemma. Now, he’s about to make the leap onto the silver screen in a pair of documentary films. The first, Food, Inc. is from the producers of the Oscar winning Al Gore-backed documentary, An Inconvenient Truth. The second is Fresh, which focuses on the positives of smaller sustainable food businesses like Polyface and Stonyfield Farm.
Salatin is thrilled to be in the spotlight, according to a recent article in the Staunton News-Leader. “We’ve gone from sucking hind tit,” he told the paper, “to now being avant garde.”
–last updated Tuesday, May 26 at 3:47pm
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Fascinating story about Salatin and the 3 generations of farmers he comes from. Wonder what Salatin would think of this new angle on “local farming”.
WHEN Jessica Prentice, a food writer in the San Francisco Bay area, invented the term “locavore,” she didn’t have Lay’s potato chips in mind.