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What recession?

by Courteney Stuart
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While the recession has delivered an economic pummeling in most areas across the country, Charlottesville and a slew of other college towns are thriving, according to Forbes.com, which ranks Charlottesville #11 in its list of top 20 college towns for jobs, citing job growth of 2.05 percent.

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  • I'm Just Saying May 25th, 2009 | 9:19 am

    Since UVA has a two year wage and hiring freeze and every major employer in the region has had layoffs and/or furloughs, where’s the job growth?

    Fast food restaurants? Other minimum wage positions?

    The Commonwealth recently released stats that showed this area’s unemployment doubled in one year to over 5%.

    So where’s the growth? Could you provide more info, Courtney? And what is Forbes’ methodology?

    These lists are typically useless for just the questions they don’t answer.

  • Sue May 25th, 2009 | 9:37 am

    I agree lots of friends looking for jobs and there aren’t any accept minimum wage. Doesn’t look like the housing market is improving from all the for sale and for rent signs around town. Commercial construction is the one sweet spot fueled by Martha Jefferson’s new hospita, the University, and Wendell Wood.

    So where are these jobs ?

  • Unemployed May 25th, 2009 | 11:20 am

    Agree with the above posters. I’ve been out of a job for the last six months. Anyone can see that the number of employment ads has greatly decreased in the past year. Then you have to weed out the ones that aren’t seriously looking for employees, they’re just fishing to see if there’s someone out there better than what they have. Or they want to get rid of older employees and hire kids because they’re cheaper. When the ads are legitimate, many applicants are going for the same position. The temp agencies are full up too. People I know who assumed they had secure jobs are not so sure about that now, especially “older” employees in their forties on up.

    I thought my profession was one of the more secure ones. I was wrong about that, and also made the mistake of aging. My job is now being done by three part-time kids with a tenth of my experience. This is a very serious situation that is being glossed over by those not immediately impacted.

  • name (required) May 26th, 2009 | 10:20 pm

    Unemployed, sorry about your situation. Hope it turns soon.

    Nationally, between unemployed and UNDERemployed people looking for work, the percentage is OVER 15%.

    Depending upon gender, race, and area, the figures may be significantly higher.

    This is an inane list published at an infelicitous time. The Hook must have needed some space to fill to include it here, too.

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