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Slow ride from Ocracoke

by Hawes Spencer
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news-ocracokeferry Folks on Ocracoke Island (a sort of Tarheel Nantucket) wait for the ferry back to the North Carolina vacation destination of Hatteras Island and points north along the Outer Banks. This image, shot at 8:43pm Wednesday, July 15, from atop a Jeep in the queue, captured a moment when the waiting line was one hour, 55 minutes— about the same wait as it was around 1pm earlier that day in the other direction.

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  • Lucy July 17th, 2009 | 4:57 pm

    Truthfully, glad I wasn’t in that line, especially if there were tired, hungry children in the car. On the bright side –looks like the economy on Ocracoke is thriving.

  • Kidding July 17th, 2009 | 9:49 pm

    Economy thriving? The community store has a for sale sign in front of it. The Hawaiian ice bus thing just closed up business and is going to florida. There is another restaurant out on 12 for sale. Lots of folk are talking about how business is off. A lot of houses have for sale signs in from of them. Not at all sure business is thriving.

  • I'm Just Saying July 18th, 2009 | 8:49 pm

    The only things Nantucket and Ocracoke ever had in common was whaling and pirates…in the 19th Century. Odd comparison.

  • William July 19th, 2009 | 9:15 pm

    Everything on Ocracoke is for sale. The sign in front of the community store has been there for several years along with the for sale signs in front of most of the for sale properties. After living on Ocracoke for the past 5 years I have found that if the “islanders needed money they would keep their business’s open for longer than 6 month before heading to some other country to spend their winters. How can a trailer be worth $350,000.00 or a community store with 5 building without a bathroom be worth 3.2 mill?

  • Yessirree July 19th, 2009 | 11:22 pm

    “How can a trailer be worth $350,000.00 or a community store with 5 building without a bathroom be worth 3.2 mill?” Ummm….welcome to Charlottesville circa 2006. Sanity just beginning to return even though real estate sales have been plummeting since then….

  • =P July 24th, 2009 | 10:39 am

    in nags head bissiness is thriving.

  • =P July 24th, 2009 | 10:41 am

    and agreed “yessirree”

  • Karen July 29th, 2009 | 1:46 pm

    Whether business is thriving or not in Ocracoke ~ I’m heading back for life!




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