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Food Hub helps fill Nelson pantries

by Dave McNair
published 3:10pm Wednesday Oct 28, 2009
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food-hubThe Local Food Hub has teamed up with the Nelson County Food Pantry to provide locally grown produce for folks in need. The Pantry provides food for more that 240 households every month in Nelson County, and thanks to a recent donation of more than 400 pounds of sweet potatoes and red potatoes from Critzer Family Farms, as well as a walk-in fridge and freezer, the non-profit is now working with the Food Hub to receive and distribute local produce, much of it grown in Nelson County.

  • Dick Nees November 2nd, 2009 | 9:50 am

    While we at the Nelson County Pantry are grateful to Alan and Nathan of the Local Food Hub along with Critzer Family Farm for the generous donation of sweet potatoes and red potatoes, I need to correct a misstatement in your blog. Our walk-in freezer/reefer was donated by Bo Delk, owner of Blue Dog Inc in Lovingston. Without this unit, we would not be able to accept and store the fresh produce donated through the Local Food Hub. By the way, we distributed ALL of the potatoes to needy families on Saturday.
    Dick Nees
    Nelson County Pantry

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