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Allen’s run? Former Earlysville resident mulls race for U.S. Senate

by Hawes Spencer
(434) 295-8700 x230
published 11:18am Monday Dec 27, 2010
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news-georgeallen-triptychCan George Allen return to politics?

George Allen, the brash conservative who retired from politics four years ago after an election defeat that followed a series of gaffes including the infamous “macaca” incident, appears to be mulling a return to the U.S. Senate. The Washington Post finds that the UVA graduate and longtime Earlysville resident still has plenty of fire, but that his quest to unseat the man who unseated him, Jim Webb, has already begun rocking some Republican boats.



  • Patti Smith December 27th, 2010 | 11:31 am

    Yes, George, Virginia needs you!!!

  • Austro December 27th, 2010 | 12:00 pm

    George Allen said, “macaca.” That’s too rich.

  • Yes December 27th, 2010 | 12:01 pm

    I support Allen as part of the ABC - Anyone But Cuccinelli - platform.

    It’s amusing that Allen is now considered to be too moderate by Virginia Republicans. They are insane.

  • Stamford50 December 27th, 2010 | 1:46 pm

    What did Mr. Allen do for the residents of Virginia when he held office? Why would the commonwealth need him?

  • george December 27th, 2010 | 2:46 pm

    NO! Even if maybe not-as-bad as Cucinelli, Virginia is better than this!

  • ? December 27th, 2010 | 2:46 pm

    His run should be good for a couple of horrific one-liners, though.

  • HarryD December 27th, 2010 | 5:19 pm

    Jim Webb will unseat himself as he has done absolutely nothing for anyone but himself. Some call him a war hero- I was in the same war……….he should repay all the funds that he took while employed as under Secretary of the Navy as a Republican.

    George Allen? Hey, whatever floats your boat. He won’t run- too many still remember his gaffs. I do hope that he let’s the commoners run for office, and win, so that something has the possiblilty of getting done without the influence of lobbyists.

  • Pat Mustard December 27th, 2010 | 8:48 pm

    Horse going south. North end is George Allen. Carpetbagger with VA roots less deep than a tulip poplar.

  • Yes December 27th, 2010 | 10:33 pm

    George Allen has lived in Virginia since he was 19 and he’s a carpetbagger? That designation must apply then to most Virginia politicians.

  • Ellie December 27th, 2010 | 11:03 pm

    God, I hope not. Allen is a classic has been and typical establishment. Dweeb.
    Don’t like Webb, he has done NOTHING.
    As usual there will be slim pickens to choose from.

  • Guido December 28th, 2010 | 1:27 am

    “George Allen said Macaca. That’s too rich”
    “His run should be good for a couple of horrific one-liners”

    What can I add? I’m already LMAO at the idea of George Allen campaigning again. Just as I told a friend of mine as Allen was losing his run against Webb, George would have done much better if he’d never campaigned, never made any appearances, and for sure NEVER made any public utterances.

    But really, what did he ever do besides beat Democrat candidates? And besides embarassing those of us who can actually pronounce ‘Virginia’ or who’ve got better morals or at least better sense than to get nude rub-downs from beauty queens, what does anyone remember about his entire ‘career’? But I say run, Georgie, run. We need the laughs.

  • hello December 28th, 2010 | 8:24 am

    deleted by moderator

  • Yawn. December 28th, 2010 | 9:41 am

    Hawes Spencer, the brash commentator who only pretends to be a journalist, would do well to reduce his use of adjectives in what are purported to be news articles, lest he expose his bias and undermine what little credibility remains within the runny-ink pages of The Hook.

    Despite all the shrill cries for attention, this rag is getting to be a serious snooze festival.

    @ Guido: It was then-Gov. Charles Robb, a Democrat, who received a nude rubdown from beauty queen Tai Collins. If you are going to post, try to post something intelligent and factually accurate.

  • HollowBoy December 28th, 2010 | 9:55 am

    And here I was thinking we were finally rid of that turkey, Malibu George.
    I get regular e-mail updates from Webb’s office.
    He is one of the most intelligent people the state has ever elected. Read his books sometimes, especially “Born Fighting” about the Scots-Irish contribution to America. He is a true intellectual political figure in the tradition of Theodore Roosevelt.
    And he is the type of person the Democratic Party needs, to counter the image it has only being for vegetarian animal rights types and warm fuzzy folks who cannot think beyond the latest PC trend.
    I would love to see Webb in the White House.

  • Homer December 28th, 2010 | 10:54 am

    Run George run. If it upsets the right wing of the party I am all for it. RUN GEORGE RUN>

  • mtn man December 28th, 2010 | 11:09 am

    Hey Guido “But really, what did he ever do besides beat Democrat candidates?” My god, isnt that enough?

  • WhereIsWaldo December 28th, 2010 | 11:44 am

    Unseat Webb? I dont think Allen even knows how to raise the toilet seat…how could he unseat Webb???

  • Chuck Bartowski December 28th, 2010 | 12:13 pm

    That George Allen now represents the “moderate” wing of the Virginia GOP speaks volumes about the scary state of the Virginia GOP. (shudder)

  • NoWay December 28th, 2010 | 4:08 pm

    He won’t be able to keep his foot out of his mouth long enough to get a nomination. Why won’t he just go away. I don’t know what you expect Webb to “do” for Virginia, except he is fighting the closing of so many military bases.

  • Brad December 29th, 2010 | 12:24 pm

    Well he does know his football; I’ll give him that.

  • Somebody December 29th, 2010 | 1:51 pm

    The establishment is running George Allen because the establishment is threatened by (scared to death of) true conservatives, and they don’t want any more of them to get into office.

  • slavin December 29th, 2010 | 4:05 pm

    “Born Fighting” is a brilliant book. Jim Webb is hardly liberal but he’s very decent and that alone makes him a Democrat.

  • Old Timer December 29th, 2010 | 4:52 pm

    Just who are these true conservatives? I find more true Conservatives in the Democratic Party than I do anywhere on the right. I think Ron Paul is the only conservative figure I know if that wears the GOP moniker.

    So far, teh so called Tea PArty candidates are going right on at spending money. But what did I expect from a party that is full of welfare and social entitlement benefits.

  • ken jamme December 29th, 2010 | 7:03 pm

    And you will notice Ron Paul was not elected. “True conservatives” never get anywhere.
    Just because you asked the question I can bet you are a “true conservative”.

    Like myself you probably earn more than you spend, and believe that government should be smaller.

    Also I bet you would enjoy the book, “Stones into Schools” by Mortenson.

    Power to the people!!!

  • democracy December 30th, 2010 | 6:13 am

    George Allen was a so-so governor, and a worse U.S. Senator. He went along with the Bush administration on virtually all of its policies; policies that recent history has proved to be horribly bad for the nation and its security.

    Worse, not only did Allen openly call a dark-skinned videographer for the Webb campaign “macaca” (a racial pejorative used by French colonials in reference to North Africans), but then he tied to deny it and then offered multiple and different excuses.

    The comment:

    Allen’s feeble attempt to cover for himself on Meet the Press:

    George Allen is what he is: a very conservative, partisan Republican who favors corporate interests and the interests of the wealthy over the interests of the people and the country.

    That Allen is now perceived as “too moderate” by his fellow conservative Republicans shows just how far to the nutty right-fringe the Republican party in Virginia has moved.

  • HarryD December 30th, 2010 | 6:47 am

    democracy- Before you attack anyone, think about the glass house libs live in right now.

    So anyone who goes along with adminstration policies that are proven to be “horribly bad” is a “worse US senator”??

    By the way- name something that George Bush has done that was “horribly bad”, that was unprovoked and not agreed to by the libs.

    Seems like we really have a problem in the Congress- everything that the “lamers” just passed, as well as Obamacare before they became “lame”- is “horribly bad” for the nation- makes them, basically, “horribly bad” for the nation.

    Feeble attempt?? How about playing poor golf and sucking down friggin’ snow cones and hiding in Hawaii- while ones policies have done nothing but provide fodder for a complete change in our Congress- shows a lot of leadership there, huh?

    and Biden’s gaff’s are OK…………”this is a big f….ing deal, ya know”..

    give it a rest- start attacking the current players, not the “has beens” and “wanna be’s”.

    Find something good that the current POTUS and the current admin has doine for me, or even you……….that you couldn’t have done for yourself with a little bit of gumption

  • Hugh Depayen December 30th, 2010 | 8:56 am

    George: show us your birth certificate.

  • democracy December 30th, 2010 | 9:19 am

    I suppose that HarryD hasn’t been paying much attention for a good while. What did Bush do that was horribly bad for the country?? Really?

    He paid no attention to the incessant warnings about extremist terrorism because he was more focused on unfunded tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy; he more than doubled the national debt; he bogged the country down in two unfunded wars, one of which was directed against a nation that had no involvement whatsoever in 9/11; he broke U.S. law and violated the U.S. Constitution in authorizing torture; he turned a blind eye to Wall Street fraud and then used taxpayer funds to bailout the banking culprits.

    What has Obama done?

    (1) Obama’s health care reform (pushed through Congress against all Republican opposition.) It will – if fully implemented – provide health care to millions more people, help to reduce health care costs for smaller businesses, and will reduce health care costs for the country (the U.S. the ONLY developed nation in the world without a national health care plan).

    (2) Obama got a financial reform bill passed in Congress, again, against Republican obstacles, that will help to reign in the fraudulent practices on Wall Street.

    The Obama stimulus bill preserved more than 3 million jobs, helped states and localities continue providing services, and funded 15,000 infrastructure projects.

    (4) Obama has gotten through the Congress reform of the student loan program, which will likely help millions of Americans – maybe even you – go to college (it appears that you need education that’s deeper and more accurate than Beck and Limbaugh and Fox).


    (5) And Obama got through the Congress a reform of credit card laws, which protects consumers – maybe even you – from the shenanigans of banks and lending companies.
    Here’s a link on that:



    And Obama got the repeal of “Don’t Ask, don’t Tell” which makes military service consistent with the constitutional values of equality and justice (which you probably care little for).

    (7) And Obama got the START treaty approved by the Senate, which improves the security of American citizens and nuclear security world-wide.

    I’d say the record is very clear.

  • meanwhile.... December 30th, 2010 | 9:27 am

    Good point, Hugh! I’ve never seen George Allen’s birth certificate. Wasn’t he born in Tunisia or Morrocco? I think I remember hearing that somewhere.

  • meanwhile.... December 30th, 2010 | 9:33 am

    Harryd, Obama cut my taxes and yours too, big time. Sorry you didn’t hear about it on foxnews.

    Also, MANY liberal democrats voted against the Iraq war resolution. Go ahead and look it up, it’s a true fact. It’s also true that many democrats voted for it, but they tended to be the more conservative members of the caucus.

    Again, I’m sorry you were ignorant of these facts. What’s troubling is that you appear to be forming opinions and foregone conclusions from a position of ignorance and not knowledge. It’s sad that your viewpoint requires that you remain an ignorant and steadfast believer in falsities. At least Glenn Beck would be proud of you!

  • democracy December 30th, 2010 | 9:49 am

    #1 HarryD says to name one thing Bush did that was so horribly bad for the country.

    Here are several:

    1) He paid no attention to the incessant warnings about extremist terrorism because he was more focused on unfunded tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy;

    (2) he more than doubled the national debt;

    (3) he bogged the country down in two unfunded wars, one of which was directed against a nation that had no involvement whatsoever in 9/11;

    (4) he broke U.S. law and violated the U.S. Constitution in authorizing torture;

    (5) he turned a blind eye to Wall Street fraud and then used taxpayer funds to bailout the banking culprit;

    (6) he left behind a final budget that contained another $1+ trillion deficit, and a broken economy.

  • wabbit December 30th, 2010 | 9:51 am

    Hey Harry, here is a list of things Pres. Obama has done in office. Read it and tell us what you think!


  • democracy December 30th, 2010 | 10:00 am

    #2 HarryD says to name one thing that Obama has done. Here are a number:

    (1) Obama’s health care reform (pushed through Congress against all Republican opposition.) It will – if fully implemented – provide health care to millions more people, help to reduce health care costs for smaller businesses, and will reduce health care costs for the country (the U.S. the ONLY developed nation in the world without a national health care plan).

    (2) Obama got a financial reform bill passed in Congress, again, against Republican obstacles, that will help to reign in the fraudulent practices on Wall Street.

    (3) The Obama stimulus bill preserved more than 3 million jobs, helped states and localities continue providing services, and funded 15,000 infrastructure projects.

    (4) Obama has gotten through the Congress reform of the student loan program, which will likely help millions of Americans – maybe even you – go to college ( authentic education is deeper and more accurate than Beck and Limbaugh and Fox).

    (5) And Obama got through the Congress a reform of credit card laws, which protects consumers – maybe even you – from the shenanigans of banks and lending companies.
    Here’s a link on that:

    (6) And Obama got the repeal of “Don’t Ask, don’t Tell” which makes military service consistent with the constitutional values of equality and justice (which you probably care little for).

    (7) And Obama got the START treaty approved by the Senate, which improves the security of American citizens and nuclear security world-wide.

    The record is rather clear, HarryD.

  • GB December 30th, 2010 | 10:07 am

    Bush also unleashed D. Cheney on us. War profiteer. There is a special place in h*ll for those who get rich that way.

  • cookieJar December 30th, 2010 | 10:11 am

    The USA PATRIOT Act needs to be added to Bush’s horribly bad column.

  • William December 30th, 2010 | 11:43 am

    You people are crazy and obviously don’t do any independent research; you just regurgitate what’s broadcast by the liberal news outlets. Very sad.

  • cookieJar December 30th, 2010 | 11:47 am

    Thanks for sharing the results of your research with us William. Your post would have been completely waste of time had you not done that.

  • Hoover December 30th, 2010 | 11:53 am

    What? He couldn’t find a decent job in the private sector?

  • democracy December 30th, 2010 | 11:55 am

    I am curious William.

    What, exactly, is incorrect about what I posted on (1) Bush’s “horribly bad” for the country list? (and don’t forget to include cookiejar’s condemnation of the so-called Patriot Act).

    And what, exactly, is incorrect about my list of Obama’s achievements (all fully verifiable)?

    And where, William, do you get your “news?”

  • meanwhile.... December 30th, 2010 | 12:01 pm

    Yes, I too await William’s “independent research”! He’ll show you all!!!

    Those “facts” regurgitated above were all reported in the biased media!! This means that, even though the facts are true, THEY CAN’T BE TRUSTED BECAUSE THE MEDIA IS BIASED!!!!

    It’s just like the Katie Couric/Sarah Palin interview. Because we all know Katie Couric is biased, the whole thing becomes irrelevant. Just because Sarah Palin couldn’t answer the most basic of questions without sounding like an ignoramus doesn’t mean anything! The point is Katie Couric is biased to be asking her those “gotcha” questions!

    Thank you William for showing us the truth in a factual, and easily verifiable way. We are in debt to your scholarly knowledge and wisdom.

  • Hoover December 30th, 2010 | 12:08 pm

    President Obama helped me keep a roof over my head through the Making Homes Affordable program. I can’t bash him.

  • Whateva! December 30th, 2010 | 12:55 pm

    Huh??? I thought the article was about George Allen??? How did we get on Obama and his bad/good achievements???

    Hey Hawes,

    Write an article about Obama! Bet you would have the WORLD come out of the woodwork to comment! Some “dirty laundry” hasn’t been released in a while…give me something to “good” to read…no, just kidding!!! Keep on keepin’ on!!!

  • democracy December 30th, 2010 | 3:40 pm

    Yes, whateva, the blurb was about George Allen….it drifted to Bush/Obama because I commented that Allen was a poor Senator, voting consistently for bad Bush policies. HarryD said to name one bad policy of Bush, and one thing that Obama has done for anyone…..

    As to friend William…..where ARE you? Where do you get your “independent research?”

    Wherever it is, I bet it is not from this Pulitzer prize-winning organization, that recently named its 2010 political lie of the year:


  • HarryD December 30th, 2010 | 9:13 pm

    democracy- yea you diod- and well? name one………..and let’s get the second part right- name something that Obama has done for anyone that anyone could not do for themselves with some gumption.

  • HarryD December 30th, 2010 | 9:20 pm

    democracy- nice list- unfortunately all were done with the majority of the Congress behind him.

    Blame it on Bush. Why not. I am just waiting for President Obama to accept his paycheck and the responsibility of the position instead of acting like a child.

    “Mommy, he did it, I only wanted to fix it- he did it mommy……really Mommy, I found it that way……”

    He’s so friggin’ smart that he had no clue what to expect when he accepted the job. Perhaps if he had played the Congressional game just a bit longer he may have figured it all out, but no- the teleprompter beckoned him.

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