Music Reviews

Graves Mountain Bluegrass Festival, May 31-June 2
Published on Jun 20th, 2002
0 comments By Tayloe Emery If the recent Graves Mountain Bluegrass Festival is any barometer of cool, then the Appalachian strip and the mountain music scene are due for a revival of epic proportions. For the...
World beats
Published on Jun 13th, 2002
0 comments By Damani Harrison Dr. Didg at the Outback and Corey Harris and the 5X5 at Starr Hill Music Hall, Saturday, June 8.This whole World Cup thing has got me screwed up. The games begin at 2 in the am and...
Steve Ingham, Sarah White, and Atsushi Miura at Tokyo Rose
Published on Jun 6th, 2002
0 comments By Amy Briggs My hair started turning white two years ago. Every few days I find a new strand blanching from youth into old age. I hold my Mondays fully responsible. It's the sobering return to...
Alias J. Pinkerton, Carl Washington and Giant People, and Summer Spark-- all over town
Published on Jun 6th, 2002
0 comments By Damani Harrison Q: What happens when the students decamp and leave Charlottesville to us locals? A: We party hard. Friday saw an all-night rager go down on Water Street, last in a series of rump-...
Oratorio Society at Old Cabell Hall
Published on May 30th, 2002
0 comments By Amy Briggs Mozart's Requiem in D Minor, his controversial final composition, has been the topic of endless scholarly debates. During the early days of his decline into mental instability, Mozart...
My Morning Jacket at Starr Hill
Published on May 30th, 2002
0 comments Mark my words: Louisville, Kentucky, is the next big thing in the world of indie music.With success stories like the Strokes and White Stripes making indie the "in" thing (and thus "out" for the...
Robert Jospe's Inner Rhythm at Rapture; William Walter & Tucker Rogers at Orbit
Published on May 23rd, 2002
0 comments By Damani Harrison One can easily distinguish those players who have found harmony with their instrument and those who are still working out the kinks. I find myself dipping in and out of venues...
Darrell Rose and the Afrikan Drum Festival
Published on May 23rd, 2002
0 comments By Amy Briggs Nothing stirs the mind like a little bit of music. In retirement homes, it means entertainment in the lounge; in preschools, it gets the kids reaching for their heads, shoulders, knees...
Wilco: Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
Published on May 16th, 2002
0 comments By Mark Grabowski I have balls of steel. You want proof? Other than my exceptional “standing up to bullies” ratio (5 confrontations: 1 turning the other cheek), and my no-fear method of taking tests...
John Moossa Band at Miller's
Published on May 16th, 2002
0 comments Corona Light. It's a summer-time beverage– takes me back to junior high. It's cheap, it's watery, and it's easy to down a good number of them. And while you'd rather not stake your fame on...
Hogwaller Ramblers at Escafe
Published on May 2nd, 2002
0 comments Hogwaller Ramblers at Escafé April 28, 2002By Amy BriggsSunday night I found myself sitting in a place I'd walked by for years, listening to a band I'd heard about for nearly as long. I think folks...
Mixmaster Mike, The Arsonists, Zion I
Published on Apr 25th, 2002
0 comments Mixmaster Mike, The Arsonists, Zion IStarr Hill Music Hall, Thursday, April 18 By Damani Harrison I arrived at Starr Hill promptly at 9:30 for Mixmaster Mike, The Arsonists, and Zion I— in plenty of...
Six bands, no bucks
Published on Apr 18th, 2002
0 comments Springfest 2002 at Mad BowlSaturday, April 13 By Mark Grabowski Do you remember a few years back, when a certain local band hit the big time, and every band in town seemed to be called “The {...
Lay your money down
Published on Apr 11th, 2002
0 comments Boa and Vandyke Brown at the Outback Lodge By James Graham "Five dollars, buddy.""Actually, I’m with The Hook, and I’m going to be reviewing this show."    The bouncer couldn’t have...
Four makes it right
Published on Apr 4th, 2002
0 comments It’s Tuesday night, arguably the slowest night of the week entertainment-wise, but, inside the Bistro, it’s packed. The band has a couple of things to do with that: it’s seven men strong; but more...
Dark Little Rooms, Edison Woods, the Ones and Zeros, and Order of the Dying Orchid at Tokyo Rose
Published on Mar 28th, 2002
0 comments Booking four bands for a single night’s show can be problematic. Good luck finding four bands who belong in the same space in the same night, good luck divvying up appropriate amount of time to four...
Puritans take to the air
Published on Mar 21st, 2002
0 comments Thirty or so (would’ve been more, possibly, except, I was told, for the fire code) invited acolytes made the pilgrimage to Channel 13’s studio at CATEC on Rio Road to watch and take part in an hour...
John McCutcheon
Published on Mar 14th, 2002
0 comments Russ Perry, one of the architects involved in designing a new home for Live Arts, the Second Street Gallery, and Light House, began the evening, a fundraising concert for those organizations, by...
ON THE PROWL- It's like glue: two ounces of pain go their own, long way
Published on Feb 7th, 2002
0 comments Rosie ThomasWhen We Were Small(Sub Pop) It doesn't seem quite right to call this Detroit-born, Seattle-based girl's album ambitious– its 10 tracks come in just under 37 minutes, most of which...
MUSIC REVIEW- Faded memory: The lady and the tramp
Published on Jan 1st, 2021