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Hook Online Technical:
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The Hook
100 Second Street, NW
Charlottesville, VA 22902


Hawes Spencer
editor and publisher

434.295.8700 x230

Courteney Stuart
senior editor

434.295.8700 x236

Lisa Provence
staff reporter

434.295.8700 x235

Rosalind Warfield-Brown
copy editor

434.295.8700 x232

Dave McNair
reporter, editor

434.295.8700 x231

Lindsay Barnes
reporter, editor

434.295.8700 x237

The Hook's columnists, cartoonists, and Culture editors listed below do not keep office hours-- but welcome your email.

Dave McNair
The Dish

Penelope Trunk
The Brazen Careerist column

Don Berard
News/editorial cartoonist

Linda Sherman
Culture Vulture cartoonist

John Allen
Undissolved Mysteries cartoonist

Sales staff

Anna Harrison
advertising manager

434.295.8700 x403

Kate Sanders
account executive

434.295.8700 x228

Katie Delaney
account executive

434.295.8700 x229

Amelia Walton
account executive

434.295.8700 x226

Classifieds/ Personals

Allie Godsey
account executive

434.295.8700 x222

Culture Editors
The culture editors work from their own home offices, and they prefer communication with the public via email. If you'd like to speak with a human being, please call the Chief Culture Editor.

Chief Culture Editor:
Rosalind Warfield-Brown

Books & Stage & Walkabout:
Mary Esselman

Linda Kobert

Vijith Assar

Laura Parsons


Kimberly Robbins

434.295.8700 x241

Leah Woody
business consultant

434.295.8700 x240


Allison Sommers
art director

434.295.8700 x233

Jonathan Boarini
graphic designer

434.295.8700 x225

Clay Caricofe
graphic designer

434.295.8700 x223

Jen Fariello


William Walker


Mailing Address: 100 Second Street NW | Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 | (434) 295-8700 (fax: 434-295-8097)