
News tips

The Hook really wants to hear hot story ideas and suggestions on ways to improve our offerings, so please feel free to send these to too. Also, feel free to call him anytime at 434-295-8700 x230.

(Don't worry, the editor can tell the difference between a confidential critique and a letter intended for publication, so sending an email to the editor does not mean you give up any right to privacy.)

Letters to the editor

The Hook really wants your rants and raves, in 300 words or less. Letters must be exclusive to us, and we do not publish letters without the correct name of one individual. Rules:

  • First, make sure it's a critique of something we've published.
  • Second, keep it as short as possible. (Often, the best letters contain just three or four sentences.)
  • Third, be aware that we might publish your email address unless you ask us not to.
  • Fourth, also be aware that we reserve the right to edit for clarity or brevity.
  • Fifth, include a daytime telephone number for verification.
  • Sixth,