November 17th, 2005 issue #0446

November 17th, 2005
  • 'Resounding' victory: Does elected school board knock Dems?

    Charlottesville's appointed school board went the way of the Dodo bird on election day, November 8, as 73 percent of city voters opted to shift from an appointed to an elected school board. In passing the referendum, were voters sending Dems a stinging message about city politics in general? Absolutely, says Jeffrey Rossman, a UVA professor and Democrat who crossed party lines to join Republican City Councilor Rob Schilling in pushing the referendum.

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  • 357-vote gorilla: Deeds won't concede AG

    Election night returns show you ahead by a sliver in a race too close to call. You go to bed thinking you're the winner, but the next morning you find out the race you've been running for years isn't over, and it'll be weeks before the official recount determines the winner. Al Gore in 2000?

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  • Election 2005: How much do you know?

      1) Which Republican candidate went door-to-door asking for votes– unlike his opponent who hardly bothered– but still suffered a dramatic loss?   2) Which former Charlottesville City Councilor will now represent the 57th district in the General Assembly?   3) Was voter turn-out higher in Charlottesville or Albemarle?   4) Which candidate for Albemarle's Board of Supervisors once worked in the Clinton administration?  

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  • Grant's broom: Theories thick on Slutzky sweep

    Once upon a time, Democrats ruled Charlottesville while Republicans held sway in Albemarle. But the 2005 election turned that conventional wisdom on its head, leaving both Republicans and Dems scratching theirs. Take Republican candidate Gary Grant's run for supervisor in the Rio District. Some folks thought that in Republican-dominated Albemarle, he might have been a shoo-in.

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  • Lowe-down: Planning chief loses supe race

    Greene County Planning Commission Chair Gary Lowe, target of one libel suit in addition to three lawsuits against the property owners association he's president of, lost his bid for Greene County Board of Supervisors November 8. Voters elected his opponent, Greene native Patsy Morris, to the at-large seat with 2,310 votes to Lowe's 1,852, much to Morris' surprise. "I'm just a poor kid from Greene County," says Morris. "I can't believe I won."

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  • School daze: Charter school stumped by regs

    PHOTOS BY JEN FARIELLO [email protected] Educators Bobbi Snow and Sandy Richardson thought their proposal for a charter school stood a fighting chance. After all, it was designed for at-risk students at an at-risk age in an at-risk school division.

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4Better Or Worse

  • The week in review

    Biggest changing of the guard: Charlottesville voters overwhelming approve a referendum brought by lone City Council Republican Rob Schilling to elect school board members....

The Dish


Question of the Week

  • What do you think of the elections?

    Matthew Simon: "It was nice to see someone come from behind and take the lead from someone I thought would be a sure win." Erin Mattingly: "I don't really follow election...

Real Estate

  • Still available

    APPEARED IN THE HOOK: February 10, 2005 in issue 0406 ADDRESS: 215 Avon Street (the Beck-Cohen Barn) ASKING: $2,650,000 LISTED BY: Stuart Rifkin, Hasbrouck Real Estate 295-...

Real Estate - $old

  • $old

    ALBEMARLE 7/21  Church Hill Development Co. to Harold L. and Linda C. Noakes, 0.144 acres at 2129 Bargamin Loop, Bargamin Park subdivision, Crozet, $336,100. Ljudmil...

Real Estate - On the Block

Real Estate Property auctions

  • Property Auctions

    November 17 at 9am at the Nelson County Courthouse Property: 0.92 acres at on State Route 780, Roseland Debtor: Homer A. and Tamara P. Barnett Amount owing: $65,082 Bidder...

DR. HooK

  • Byetta: A new weapon, but not a gun

    When I was staying at a resort in Puerto Rico 10 years ago, there was a restaurant called "Iguanas." It was an outdoor restaurant on a small beach island surrounded by beau...

Movie Reviews

  • Cashing in: Too much walk, not enough fire

    The trailer for Walk the Line emphasizes "Ring of Fire" instead of the title song. (In the movie itself, "Jackson" and "Folsom Prison Blues" are the only songs sung twice.)...

Music Reviews


  • ARB outrage: Tree angst at White Gables

    White Gables is one of four gracious, tree-shaded mansions built along Ivy Road in the 1920s. Soon, instead of trees, 76 luxury condominiums in six pavilions will surround ...

  • Kelly's memory lives in race

    Kelly Watt is gone, but he's clearly far from forgotten. The life of the 18-year-old runner who died last summer from heat stroke will be celebrated this weekend by a trio ...

  • NEWS- Tuned up: New AM station beams in

    Last October, Anderson Communications LLC filed for FCC approval to build and operate what would be Charlottesville's fourth AM station. Now, just over a year later, Kentuc...

  • No Kidd-ing! Kraddick, Mix return

    Gone today, here tomorrow. That's the lesson fans of syndicated radio show "Kidd Kraddick in the Morning" learned when Clear Channel launched the new Mix 107.5 on September...

  • Quick sliver: Hair snips reveal mercury

    Is the sky falling? With the growing health concerns over airborne mercury in the food chain, two groups are getting together to give Charlottesville women a way to discove...

  • Rhythm and blurs: Every day in NO is different

    Normally a Charlottesville-based home inspector, Peter Drenan is on special assignment as a FEMA leader and a Hook stringer. This is the third in a series of dispatches fro...

On Architecture

  • Court flair: Is it worth $2.7 million?

    When it comes to revitalizing public places in Charlottesville, the standard set by the Downtown Mall raises the bar for every other project in town. In June, The Project f...

The Brazen Careerist

  • Ask yourself: Do people like me?

    You get promoted in this world because people like you, not because you get the work done. In fact, a study just published in the Harvard Business Review shows that people ...

Strange But True

  • Mummy dearest: Images tell child's history

    DRAWING BY DEBORAH DERR McCLINTOCK Q.  In the hands of imaging experts, what is "mummography" designed to reveal? a) cancer in women? b) other illness? c) the "patie...


  • Peet's sake: Seeing peace in the Mideast

    Jared Peet says he wasn't shocked by the recent suicide bombings in Jordan. "There was a lot of tension between Iraqis and Jordanians beforehand," says the fourth year UVA ...


  • New spin: The evolution of Maurice Jones

    Maurice Jones is worlds away from City Hall and his former job as its spokesman. In his swanky new digs at the Miller Center off Old Ivy Road, instead of writing press rele...


  • Last day had great film

    It was enlightening to read Lisa Provence's summation of the events of the 18th Virginia Film Festival {News, "Weighing in on the film fest," October 3], but it was regrett...

Cultural preview

Full Stories List for November 17th, 2005 issue #0446

4Better Or Worse

Blind Date Challenge


Real Estate

Real Estate - $old

Real Estate Property auctions

The Brazen Careerist