We can attach MP3 files to our events and simultaneously make them available as downloadable files, via the big ol’ Flash player on the left, via the little mini-players on the right, and in a daily podcast.
Podcasting is a mechanism by which MP3 files can be broadcasted over the internet to subscribed listeners for use with an iPod, iTunes, or any other hardware or software media player. The Hook’s online calendar automatically podcasts the audio files included in the event listing on the day of the show, so your fans will get a free song and a timely audio reminder that they should go see you in concert that evening.
Now, the catch is that repeatedly podcasting the same audio file is lame, kind of like those awful ClearChannel radio stations that play the same twenty songs for weeks at a time. This poses a problem for the more active performers in the area, who will have to choose between giving away lots of music over the internet and not having audio available for their event listings.
For those who want to give their music to fans, we’re happy to post a new track for each show and start repeating when we exhaust the supply. It could take several years to do this depending on frequency of performance and the size of the catalog.
For those who don’t want to give away too many songs, we’re happy to post a single song repeatedly. However, it will only be podcasted once (or once in a blue moon, at least) so please save your “podcast tokens” for the shows at which you’ll want us to give you the most exposure.
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