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Houston Ross and Friends

May 22, 9:00pm

The local bassist has been the anchor for numerous local bands over the years, one of which is his duo project with local pianist Mike Sokolowski, whose second album of sedate dreamscapes was notoriously panned in these pages by Damani Harrison several years ago. Houston’s set here will also be a hybrid “listening party” event to serve as a release show for Sokoband’s third album, on which the core duo trade solos with luminaries whose footprints reach far beyond Charlottesville — think Dave Matthews, Tim Reynolds, Bobby Read — on what is essentially a remake of their 1996 debut, In November Sunlight, with two additional new tracks. Of particular note are appearances by late DMB sax player LeRoi Moore and the more recently departed Johnny Gilmore, both talented musicians taken by freak accidents well before their time for whom the recordings are the best memorial.

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