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Red Satellites

Twisted Branch Tea Bazaar
December 3, 9:00pm

Red Satellites 2

Buzzed-about glam-rock youngsters powered by brothers Daniel and Kevin Hivick, who use their keys and vocals to build up 70’s aesthetics and punk-rock theatrics, respectively.

Red Satellites - Dancing [demo]

Local newcomers Pompadour and Richmond’s American Tradition get things started.

visit Twisted Branch Tea Bazaar online

  • Marque November 18th, 2009 | 3:15pm

    Sweet! I really like Red Satellites’ sound (though they need a new picture to show their true style, as well as a video and song to post). I was a big fan of The Great White Jenkins so James Wallace and the Naked Light should be great. I also really like what I’ve heard from Pompadour. Looks like another great show at the Tea Bazaar (which has become my new favorite spot to watch live music)

  • Vijith Assar November 18th, 2009 | 5:22pm

    Marque, ask and ye shall receive — Kevin just sent us a demo to post.

  • lee November 19th, 2009 | 8:13pm

    I’ve been going to all their shows lately & they’re getting more and more crazy and just such an unusual show, I thought everyone just stood still playing music these days but they get wild! The video should be of ~that~.
    RS has a really cute guitar player plus he’s really good (especially when he sits on Kevin to play)! Can’t wait to see ‘em again.

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